My Mother, My Confidant, My Advisor, and Truly my Best Friend
My mother’s ceremony was beautiful just like her, always nice to see family of course, cause you never know when it will be the last time. Everybody, if nothing else, walked away from it being a better hugger. Man could that woman hug. She would tell us, “honey, if you know somebody well enough to give em a hug, hug ‘em like you mean it.”
Here is the poem I wrote for my confidant, my advisor, my best friend, my everything…
My confidante, my mother, truly my best friend
She left me with her strength, so my heart could truly mend
More than just a mother, a sister, a friend, a wife
Exactly what is meant, on how to live ones life
So proud to be her daughter, try hard to fill her shoes
Be kind, forgive and always love, with everything you do
We shared a special bond, our birthdays days apart
Here one day and gone the next but always in our heart
Keeper of the peace, she loved with no conditions
Never held a grudge, and always there to listen
She leaves behind a legacy, of grace and class and style
Dressed always to the nine, and always with a smile
Be good to other people, especially when times are tough
hug em like you mean it, if you know ‘em well enough
Loved with all her heart, everything with passion
Designed and sewed and painted and accessorized her fashion
Best human on the planet, epitome of what one should be
So grateful for our time, and the life she gave to me
Gone but not forgotten, remembered by so much
Her scent of blooming roses and her ever loving touch
We love her and we miss her, can’t believe that she is gone
It’s not forever it’s just for now, so for now we carry on
— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader