A Whole New World & 444

We recently held my brothers memorial service and while it was great to see so many come together to celebrate the life of John Henry, for me it was also the ending to a big cycle and a huge relief to know I no longer have to associate or even think about certain people. I have officially ripped up any and all contracts that may have still been lingering on my path. Visually literally ripped up contracts, even if they had already expired and served their purpose it was somewhat of a double dose to insure they are over. I’ve mentioned before that my brothers passing has gifted me the ultimate freedom and I’m finally really feeling that weight that has been lifted and I look forward to what the future now holds for me.

I can now finish tying up loose ends and start truly building my new foundations. No longer do I have to deal with, or see, anybody I do not choose to. I am officially releasing what no longer serves me, whether it be people, superficiality along with deceit, manipulation, all of the above. It is now out of sight, out of mind. I send them nothing but healing, blessings, love and light but I am no longer chained to that part of my past and it feels amazing. As far as I’m concerned, loyalty makes you family.

Is it any surprise that this song played on the way to the service Saturday morning? I recognized it when it came on but it had been a while and this is a new version. I told my cousin to play it again so I could really listen to the lyrics. It gave me strength and even more confidence for the speech I had prepared and it just reminded me that there’s a whole new world waiting for me to be discovered in divine timing, reminding myself that it’s all destined so I will do my best to wait patiently while feeding my very hungry mind and always striving to be the best version of me as possible.

Later that day my cousin and I were leaving MOD pizza when I looked at the clock and it was 4:44, and not even five minutes later we saw it on a license plate. She was blown away and I had to laugh when I told her that it happens more often that not in my world. We even saw it on the freeway on our way to Paramount. 444 for me has always symbolized protection and foundations but after reading my new book Double Digitology it now goes even deeper. According to Adironnda who is with the Council of Light from the 17th dimension, she brings about a different perspective of numerology, a little twist from Tibetan, Sanskrit or Pythagorean numerology.

Numerology is sacred and ancient and is used to define or help explain many things such as a humans existence. By using the mathematics as a foundation, the numbers can hep translate an individuals spirit world into a physical formulation allowing you to understand the untouchable or unbelievable. I love numerology, I play around with it all the time and have been since the beginning of my journey. According to the book the number 444 also means…

*acknowledging the angels are attempting to get your attention

*the Angelic Realm would like to speak with you

*the Angelic Realm may have a specific message for you, and you get the opportunity to trust that message

*you get to acknowledge Spirit and the Angelic Realm exist and are communicating with you

*the Angelic Realm is wishing for you to be aware they fully support you

*receiving the assignment you are embarking on a spiritual path

*the need for a strong foundation when you move forward on your spiritual path

When I was reading this book I also played around with my birthday numbers and found it to be quite interesting. I already knew I was a life path 3 but when I dissected the dates again, they too came out to be a 444. If you leave the year 1975 alone it actually comes out a 22. If you further reduce it however it comes out to a 4. If you don’t reduce it, some do some don’t, it’s a 22 which is a Master Builder number in it’s own right. Which is cool but I thought it was even cooler that it reduced to a 4 as well. According to Kryon 44 is the new master number and is also associated with being the Master Healer number.

A little food for thought never hurts.

According to this, I’ll call it a documentary, the Anunnaki weren’t the fallen angels at all but rather they were actual aliens. Or I question if somehow they could be somewhat related or perhaps similar if not the same lol. I love this kind of information because it really gets your gears grinding, well mine anyway. My eyes and mind are wide open and I can’t get enough of this stuff. It most likely will offend some if not many or most but that’s not my problem. You can either question it, believe it or ignore it, it’s that simple. For me, it seems as though I take bits and pieces from just about everything and that’s how I’m forming my own personal belief systems. And just when I think maybe, just maybe, I’ve learned it all so to speak, something else crosses my path to reassure me I am a life long learner and will never stop searching for the truth in everything.

Some extra photos from the end of my trip in Arizona. There sure were a lot of chem trails in the Surprise/Phoenix area. And I love mama Schimmel, Erin Jeans mom, she reminds me of my own mother and always has. They were very similar in the fact that they were always dressed to the nine and always had a face on whether it was to go to the grocery store or vacuum the house, they both were very classy ladies, mama Schimmel still is. It was nice to get some hugs and love from her that’s for sure. I also spent a much needed quiet morning at the Japanese Friendship Garden. It’s 2:22pm as I type this, thank you.


It was a group effort


two pennies!


New crop circle in the UK, talk about cool

Synchronicity at its finest. It’s now Monday and here I am editing my post because one of the first things in my YouTube feed this morning is this message from Attract Passion with a big 444 lol. I mean this is exactly how Spirit works, it never seizes to amaze, so awesome. I’ve been following Gasper and his channel for at least two years, hard to say, whenever it was he magically appeared is when I started following him. His messages are always inspirational and he crosses my path now when there’s something Spirit really wants me to hear. And this morning was a prime example. Not only was there a 444 to catch my attention but the poem he reads is my life in a nutshell from the past three years. The whole message can benefit every single person on this beautiful planet but it’s almost as if it was meant just for me, and for that I say thank you. It’s now 11:11am, thank you Spirit.


Endings and new beginnings.

Love and Light