About Me

I lost my mom a day before the pandemic hit, March 5, 2020. Worst night of my life. She was my everything; my confidante, advisor, cheerleader, truly my best friend. I’ll never forget the helpless feeling being 1600 miles away.

While it’s been difficult, some time has passed and I feel it’s imperative to find a positive in every situation. I can no longer physically hug my mom she has given me something else and that’s my spiritual awakening. She shows me she’s here in different ways, things I call magic.



People think I’m crazy and I’ve actually lost some friends and family along the way but I guess that’s normal and something I have to learn to accept. She leaves me pennies and dimes almost on a daily, she messes with the pictures in my phone in different ways, and she pulls some crazy shit that I call divine intervention.

I have this new saying, if it’s amazing and you can’t explain it then don’t even try because it’s simply magic.

The purpose of my blog is first and foremost for my friends and family to always know where I am and what I’m up to (no good lol), to put minds at ease. It’s also to share my experience (along with my back story) and hopefully inspire others and remind people that anything is possible if you believe.


“I’m more understanding, forgiving, grateful, human”

Believe in yourself. It’s been a rough road to get to where I’m at today, literally blood, sweat and tears, but I wouldn’t change a thing because it’s truly made me who I am. I’m more understanding, forgiving, grateful, human you name it and that’s because I’ve been there (sometimes two or three times), I get it.

At the end of the day we’re all humans with the same basic needs and wants and we all make mistakes because nobody is perfect. To err is human so we must learn to brush ourselves off, forgive and keep going.

Fucking up is the best way to learn, it builds character and makes us stronger and all the more wise. Don’t be afraid to be human. Instead be fearless.

“At the end of the day we’re all humans with the same basic needs and wants”


After losing my mom, my job, failing my semester at Regis University and leaving my relationship of seven years, my journey began. Six months of a tumultuous breakup, planning and packing praying and hoping I was Costa Rica bound. I hit the road in a rental leaving Colorado heading for California and stopping in Arizona.

Anybody who knows me knows special needs is my jam. I fell in love with it in the 6th grade and have integrated it purposely and inadvertently in my life since. I found a company IVHQ who specialized in helping people travel abroad doing what they loved.

There’s a lot involved with traveling abroad, not to mention it costs a pretty penny, but all worth it in the end. I figure you can’t really put a price tag on the beginning of the rest of your life, not to mention peace of mind.

Starting completely over at the age of 45 isn’t easy and is quite humbly but I’m a firm believer everything happens for a reason good or bad and this is exactly where I need to be.

So I hope this read and future reads are entertaining, educational in some way and enlightening to some who may have just needed to hear it. I’m wee bit unfiltered, call it like I see it, rough around the edges kind of broad who isn’t afraid to speak her mind.


Yes, it can get me in trouble and believe me has more times than I can count but, numbers probably don’t even go that high, but hey its me and who I am. I am an Aries and I am fearless.


— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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