Above Majestic

This is more than just a documentary on what it takes to hide trillions of dollars. I did posts on a lot of this stuff over the last two years and I have a sneaky suspicion it’s all about to (finally) come to light no pun intended, especially now that Pluto has moved out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. Pluto, whether you consider it a planet or not, is all about death and rebirth along with change, it’s a generational planet not to mention an evolutionary one. I’m personally excited because we desperately need change even if that means spilling the beans on harsh, hard to believe, truth bombs. Truth is stranger than fiction, another clichĂ© that speaks truth, but it’s the only way we can move forward as a whole so it’s an absolute necessity.

There’s movies that came to mind as I was watching this documentary, movies such as Men In Black and Aliens (great movies). MIB for the memory erasing and  I thought of the movie Aliens because they were talking about colonies on other planets not because of the aliens. That movie has come to my mind before though and that’s because I thought of all the actual aliens and how they could be easily compared to all the narcissists running around today lol but that’s just me. Anyway, it talks about all the underground cities which over the past couple weeks I’ve been doing some thinking. We aren’t overpopulated, we’re just cluster-fucked into small concentrated areas. Go drive around Nevada and Arizona and you’ll start to realize the same, and hey maybe they’re not building on all that land because they already did, it’s just underneath.

This documentary touches on so much, it was pretty eye-opening, not to me per se but it will be to most, it will be to those with an open mind anyway. It’s all starting to unravel either way so it’s going to be real interesting to see how well people take it, I don’t even know what to expect, I’m just gonna buckle up. I’m not sure if the general public arena is ready for all this but Pluto doesn’t care who’s ready, it’s already been in Aquarius for two months now. Keeping in mind it changes signs every eight years so two months is a drop in the bucket and it’s coming.

I really hope this isn’t a private video, I would imagine it not to be if they want to get this information out there, however, in the event it is you can find it on YouTube. I’m still piecing it all together, mind you it’s a big puzzle with a lot to figure out, like a lot a lot. Are we a slave race, were the Anunnaki the fallen angels, what about Draconian, good verses evil, dark verses light, is the moon a planet, how corrupt is our military (pretty corrupt, but they’re just doing what they’re told), Covid and vaccines, excess deaths, and the list goes on. I do know there is a God (God is in all of us), we all have a team of angels that are assigned to us at birth, Pleiadians brought spirituality and seeded our planet as well, we all have an Akash and reincarnate. This world we live in and the planet we call ours goes beyond what our little minds can imagine and we have entered the age of Aquarius so no going backwards only forward and I can’t wait for what the future holds.

You can’t hide the truth forever, eventually it comes out, one way or another, whether you or we are ready or not, it just does. And it’s time for a lot of truth bombs to be dropped. Don’t want to believe all this stuff? You don’t have to, not everybody is meant to wake up in this lifetime and that’s okay. Think I’m a crazy conspiracy theorist? That’s okay too, I just happen to be wide awake and for that I say thank you (most of the time lol).

You wanna know what made me instantly (or intuitively) click on this video that popped up in my feed, it’s the shush sign the reptilian is making. When I went to the Snoop Dogg concert and bought a t-shirt (that I’ve since gotten rid of) they were making the same gesture on the t-shirt. I remember telling Susan when we bought ’em, I told her it’s like they’re laughing in our faces with the shush gesture and is why I eventually got rid of it. Every time I saw it it bothered me so I didn’t want to look at it anymore.

Let’s be real, this documentary bothers me too but I can’t just ditch humanity the way I ditched that t-shirt. Sure I can ditch people too, but I can’t and won’t ditch humanity as a whole. It’s why I’m here. At the very least fast forward to the two hour mark and that says the most important things that should be taken into account. The whole thing should be seen by all but like I’ve mentioned before, it’s a lot to consider, it’s a lot take in and it’s a lot to swallow.


Love and Light