After Death

Angel Studios doesn’t disappoint, I’m loving their productions more and more. Just got home from watching the movie After Death, what a great movie, everyone can definitely benefit one way or another from seeing it. I’ve always been fascinated with NDE’s (near death experiences) and as many times as I’ve cheated death, seriously, I’m surprised I haven’t had one. My aunt had one and they’re just fascinating. To say it’s nothing I didn’t already know is a little presumptuous because I did learn a thing or two, and I love hearing testimonies, nothing beats real life experience.

It was pretty cool, I had the whole theater to myself and I can say I left better than I came. I’m surprised my tissue didn’t disintegrate in my hands, I used every square inch. I can tell you I was called to go see it for a number of reasons, the important one being for healing purposes so thank you. Without spoiling it, I didn’t believe in hell before, and I still don’t but I didn’t realize that you can down before you go up. And not even for obvious reasons but for other reasons as simple as not being nice. Rest assured though at the end of the day everyone goes to the Light. Everyone returns to Source. Everyone.

I left with even more compassion than I already had. In my opinion one can never have enough compassion or humility, both are pretty paramount. Another feel good movie that left me with more compassion was A Better Life, I “stumbled” across it when I was resting the other week. It’s from 2011  but there’s no doubt in my mind Spirit wanted me to see it. It’s about an immigrant father from Mexico and his son and their relationship and journey together. I have more respect for immigrants now along with more compassion for how difficult it must be for many who work so hard for something most of us take for granted.

I was speaking with one of the guys at the information kiosk on the pier however long ago and he said something that really made me stop and think. It’s imbedded in my brain and I don’t hesitate to lovingly remind people if and when it’s called for. He said if you were born in California you’ve already won the lottery and if you were lucky enough to be born in Orange County then you actually hit the jackpot. I was like damn, true story so I don’t blame anybody for wanting a better life, and I certainly don’t get angry with anyone for trying.

It was released 10/27, I love it.

Love and Light