
I went to a funeral not too long ago, actually I went to the viewing the day before and then the funeral. I don’t understand why people have viewings, is that really how you want to remember your loved ones? Maybe that’s just me but I know I’d rather remember people not laying in a casket. It doesn’t bother me anymore in the aspect that I now know it’s just a shell, the vessel we have that contains our soul. I almost cried at one point though and that was because she reminded me of my nana.

The woman that transitioned was the mother to a friend of mine from church and from day one her mom reminded me of my nana. I always liked to sit by her whenever I could and would go out of my way to always say hello and give her a hug. She was in the end stages of Alzheimer’s and while my nana had Dementia they were very similar and even looked alike. I think a part of me felt guilty for not being around when my nana passed, I didn’t attend her services but I also don’t think she had any. Hard to say, not only was I living in Colorado but was also balls deep in my alcoholism.

The viewing was more so difficult for me listening to what people had to say about the transitioning process of death in general. It’s hard for me because, while I’m still learning of course, but I know enough to know that death is rebirth and everybody returns to Source. Everybody. Don’t shoot the messenger but even Hitler went back to God. I’m sure he spent a hot minute in the underworld but eventually everybody returns to God so I just have to listen with patience and tolerance when people say things like only those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior go to Heaven. The old me wants to roll my eyes but the newer version knows I’m learning to master my emotions so I just need to listen with no judgments because most don’t know the Truth truth (yet). You don’t know what you don’t know.

Some people would argue, Sylvia Browne, that those such as Hitler would actually go through the left door which shoots you right back into the belly, right back into vitro, where you start another lifetime because you certainly missed the mark on your last one. Did you know that the actual definition of sin derives from Greek and means to miss the mark which by the way has nothing to do with God’s standards. God doesn’t have standards because God’s not human. God loves unconditionally because God is love and all is forgiven before you even miss that mark. So what do you do when you miss the mark? You try try again.

According to Kryon 85% of people on the planet believes in the afterlife. When we die we don’t just stop, there’s a consciousness that continues. Every religion believes this in some which way shape or form. If 85% believe this to be true it’s more than just wishful thinking. It’s our intuitional mindset, whether we’re aware of it or not, that knows there’s something more. God is inside us. There’s a God inside us that every master that’s ever walked this planet has told us it’s there. We are all sparks of creation.

We have the wisdom of creation but our DNA isn’t functioning at its full capacity right now but when we cross a bridge, and I’m not talking about the afterlife bridge I’m talking about the here and now, when we cross that bridge from the material to the spiritual, we come into our smart body where our innate starts to awaken. We cross a bridge that allows the rest of our DNA to work which is indescribable (to humans). But just like love is improvable, it just is. Kind of like how God just is.

Love is more than a perception or emotion, it’s a state of being. Once you start using your intuition and getting into the feeling instead of thinking like a human does, you cross that bridge. Your synapse and (3D) logic can only do so much until you cross that bridge and what’s beyond that bridge is access to things like your intuition which comes straight from the field, the other side of the veil. It comes straight from Source which is beyond our comprehension but is ultimately the God part of us. Inside each and every one of us is a bigger picture from a much bigger place. If you ask me the transhumanism movement is set in place to keep us from accessing this bridge to the God part of us and is why it’s so important to not get caught up in all the technological conveniences.

I went for a walk the other day on the beach, I like to walk from the pier all the way to Bolsa Chica and back. It’s good walk and a great way to ground myself feeling my toes in the water as I go, it’s very peaceful. I have my headphones of course because I like my music and I like it loud. I love listening to Illenium, they rank right up there with Alan Walker but for some reason this song brought me to tears. Before I knew it the flood gates opened and I had ’em streaming down my face like waterfalls, truth be told it almost brought me to my knees. Perhaps it’s because I know everything is okay in the afterlife. No stress, no worries, no regrets, no doubts and certainly no fears.

Earth can be extremely difficult and that’s by design but the afterlife is where everything is good again, I can only imagine how wonderful it is at this point. I certainly look forward to the afterlife and maybe that’s partly because that’s also the time when I get the chance to thank those who taught me the toughest and most important lessons in life, those I’ve had to let go.

Happy full moon in Sagittarius tomorrow.

Love and Light