Now here’s somebody I would love to hug. Alan Walker has been such a big part of my healing and transformation. I didn’t have a clue who he was until he magically showed up in my YouTube feed way back when. What a talented artist, his music is nothing shorth of awesome. I actually looked to see if he was gonna be in town and wouldn’t you know it, he’s performing in LA this month. As much as I want to I already have a bunch of stuff happening this month that I’ve had to switch my schedule around so I just don’t see it in my cards but you can bet I’m on high alert for next year.
I spent a couple hours on the beach today, I had to collect sand for the arts-n-crafts sesh I’m about to have, and it’s been a while since I’ve actually walked the beach listening to music. These two songs were the highlight of my walk. Most of the lyrics in all his songs pertain to so much of how I was feeling in the beginning of my journey here in HB, and even how I feel today. I can’t even really describe how his music makes me feel, it’s like they were written for me. The song Lily actually brought me to tears as I was walking the beach with the sand and water between my toes. Again, just another reminder of how far I’ve come and how wonderful it was, and is, to be so close to God.
This song was actually new to me today, definitely appropriate for the times. Thank you Alan Walker.