Alien Agenda & the Oligarchy

I don’t have to tell you that of course yes I 100% believe in multidimensional beings from outer space. Your minds gotta be closed pretty tight to think that the human race is the only one in existence. But then again those are probably the same people who think that this is it, you only have one life to live so make it count.

If nothing else fast forward to 2:10:50 of Alien Agenda and watch from there. The whole thing is a good watch but I have to be honest I couldn’t do it in one sitting, but it sums it up pretty good there at the end. Jim Marrs (journalist/author) states, the United States government, the leader of the free world, is totally controlled by a wealthy oligarchy, a small handful of people that are super rich that tell the government what to do. While yes that’s true, it also goes even deeper than that on a spiritual level but I’m not quite sure that the general public arena is ready to hear everything just yet. Marrs continues by saying that the problem is if the general public knows there’s ET’s out there then they’ll know there’s alternative technology which could upset the monopolies over energy, fuel, transportation and even more so pharmaceuticals. And seriously, God forbid we upset Western Medicines monopoly.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, yes they are here. In fact from what I understand, the Galactic Federation is a group of highly evolved souls who’ve been around since the beginning of time. They have a thankless job hovering over our atmosphere, watching over us while keeping us from blowing each other up with weapons of mass destruction. They’re also here to assist us with the New Earth and help free us from the manipulation while helping people to fulfill their life purposes, and for that I say thank you.

And then there’s the Federal Reserve. Speaking of oligarchy, here they be lol.

And then there’s this…

Love and Light