Always Evolving & Spirit Signs

It may be cliché but it’s also an absolute truth, I learn something new every day. Sometimes it feels like the more I learn the less I know lol but that’s also why I’m constantly learning. Some of the perspectives and belief systems I had last month are most likely different than they are today, let alone three years ago. It’s important to always keep an open mind and more importantly a loving heart. I forget who said it but it’s also a truth, and that’s those who don’t change their minds don’t change anything. A big part of my journey is evolving and overcoming obstacles of course but it’s also learning how to navigate through the disappointments and heartbreaks and figuring out how to overcome them in the most positive way possible.

I love like I’ve never been hurt before because living in the past just isn’t something I do anymore. To do so would be like living in your own silent prison, instead I break free from the chains of the past knowing there’s something better for me. Does that open me up for more heartache? You betcha but that’s okay because it’s a part of life and how we learn. I know too many people who have been hurt, whether it be a breakup or someone passing, and they become jaded and/or guarded with their heart, putting up walls and never fully able to trust again while keeping people at an arms length. It bums me out a wee bit because they’re only denying themselves happiness. But it’s also a big reason why we’re here, to experience love (and loss) and grow from it. I couldn’t imagine never wanting to fall in love again just because someone broke my heart. I’ve been on both ends and now know everything happens for a reason, positive or negative, and it’s a risk you take. There’s no way I wouldn’t take that risk though because it’s like another cliché, it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. But, that’s just me. True love is one of the most wonderful things in the world, it’s easy, it’s kind, and takes patience. Sure, love is good until it’s gone but that doesn’t mean it can’t, or won’t, happen again. Being open to it is the first and most crucial step though.

Everything in life comes with a lesson to be learned, especially disappointments and heartbreaks. Once you can embrace those blessings in disguise knowing those situations aren’t done to you but rather for you you can start living your life with a sense of freedom which of course, like most things it seems, is easier said than done. It definitely comes with time, maturity and lol practice.

I’ve experienced quite a bit of loss but I’ve also experienced a lot of joy, even in those relationships that didn’t work out. Every single person had something to teach me and I can look back and find gratitude in the lessons that were being taught to me. I see them now of course because it’s really difficult to see the positive in the lessons when you’re in the thick of ’em. I’m still healing from recent and not so recent loss, betrayals and disappointments. If I’m living my life the way I think I should be living it, and that’s to the fullest with no regrets, I will be in constant healing mode with some seasons easier than others. But I am grateful for all I’ve been through because it’s molding me into the person I was always meant to be and that’s without a doubt priceless.

It’s almost like Spirit knew I was going to lose another family member when the signs came in loud and clear for the conference in Sedona, which is all about healing and falling in love with your soul. Spirit knew, they always know. I’ve been praying for my people for a while and let me tell you…I feel so much comfort right now knowing they’re coming. Finally, I will be surrounded by people who understand me, have the same core values and goals as me and who are simply on the same page. While my isolation was imperative because that’s where all my growth and development happened, or started rather, but words cannot describe how ready I am to be surrounded by unconditional love and kindness.

Don’t get me wrong, I know I’m never alone as I’m constantly being reminded. My mom showed up the other day, let’s be real, my mom shows up almost every day. It’s so wonderful when I’m reminded my mom’s watching over me and reminding me she’s still paving the way as I’m about to embark on the next phase of my journey. I entered an establishment and walked right into a message meant for me…

I knew it was my mom, it was so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. Spirit works in amazing, unbelievable and miraculous ways. It’s simply magical. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything. There’s a couple songs I know are from my brother, but this ones seems to like to play as soon as I get to work, my last three shifts it’s been without fail…

He loved a-ha, I used to hear it all the time coming from his room when we were in high school. Finding the lyrics and listening to it right now made me cry, see, still healing and will be until I’m not. When we were driving together, which wasn’t too often but often enough for me to remember him always doing the I guess you call it “air synthesizer” on the dashboard. Every single time. I love how that sadness was just turned into a positive. So awesome.

I had a doctors appointment this morning, making sure I’m as healthy as I can be these days, when Spirit showed up again…and on top of that, when I went to take the picture…it was 11:11. I LOVE IT!!!

These are all the reasons I need to keep going on my journey, no matter how tough my lessons can get. They show me every single day in some which way shape or form they’re there for me and these are all the reasons I need to keep doing the same. My eyes are always open and in search of wonder, they never seize to amaze and mesmerize and for that I am eternally grateful.

Love and Light