I was under the impression I was on to the next phase of my journey but come to find out…I’m not. I’m actually in somewhat of a respite mode which actually makes sense the more I think about it. I try not to focus on it though because I’d rather not be in between but it can be painfully obvious that I’m so not in charge here and that’s okay. I suppose I do need a break after the past three years almost losing sight of all that I’ve been through. My whole life really has been pretty tumultuous, positively and negatively. And I mean I just lost my brother too but to me it’s just my life and maybe I’ve become accustomed to learning hard lessons or something but right now the universe is giving me a break from it all and while I should be all the more grateful I have to admit I kind of don’t like it lol.
I really hope I’m allowed to share this next video. I find it to be simply fascinating. In the event I’m not, it’s called Ancient Civilizations with Matthew LaCroix and Paul Wallis.
One of the best parts about this video is the level of excitement in Matthew LaCroix’s voice. He’s so excited when he speaks and as he should be. He’s studied this material for years and it definitely shows because he knows his shit. It’s the epitome of passion and I love it. I could listen to Paul Wallis speak all day too but for different reasons. He too is extremely educated on the topics he speaks about but I love his accent and voice (of course). I’ll admit both of ’em go a little over my head but that’s why I’m learning. Fascinating stuff. Expect to see a lot more of accidental discoveries as it’s my understanding that now’s the time where there’s a lot to be discovered and not just the stuff that’s been deliberately hidden from us but stuff that’s gonna stop people in their tracks.
I love content like this next conversation even more. Billy Carson, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this man is wicked smart and I can listen to him all day long too. This conversation with Alex Ferrari is next level, just like his podcast suggests. Thank you gentlemen.
At least I’m not feeling completely stuck or stagnant at this phase of my journey when these videos cross my path from what I like to call YouTube University. My signs and synchronicities feel like they’ve slowed down quite a bit but again that’s simply because I’m in between. I heard clear as day that sometimes the best thing to do is nothing and while that may sound fantastic to some, for someone like me who feels as though they’re here for a specific reason that is yet to be discovered, doing nothing can feel like a huge rode block.
Instead of feeling stagnant or stuck I need to be doing a little maintenance, whether that be spiritual, mental, physical, every level really, especially finding the balance with it all. I need to be relishing in my time, even though it’s in isolation. I’ve gotta tell ya I’m feeling a wee bit over all the isolation. As much as I love my own company and army of angels I’m so ready, or at least I’m feeling ready for more. Hanging out with physical people who are members of my soul squad would be awesome or at the very least people who harbor the same thoughts and ideas with what’s happening all around us. And let’s be real, a little affection goes a long way and I always have been and always will be a very affectionate person. I’m a little over hermit mode but I have to remember that I’m (even more so) super grateful and always thankful for my job right now because it is my main source of interaction with people and for that I say thank you. Gotta find the positive…always.
It’s hard to embrace the respite mode I’m intended to be in right this second but it’s also necessary for my well-being. I need to adjust my mindset and start focusing and getting ready for the next phase of my journey because when it does happen it’s gonna come quick. Keeping in mind we have the autumn equinox happening on the 23rd of this month and of course our eclipse next month. We also have a new moon in Virgo on the 14th and the powerful full moon in Aries at the end of the month. I’m doing my best to adjust to the quiet-do-nothing mode and while I’m not a fan of it really, I need to learn to embrace it because I have a sneaky suspicion I just might be looking back and going man I wish it was quiet again. It’s not going to be quiet for long, it just feels like it.
Love and Light