And Then God Spoke: Mind-Blown

I just had a mind-blowing aha moment that I have to share at least a little of. A couple weeks ago I had received a prophetic word from Bill Jeynes along with many other people in the congregation. This was mine…

“Lord, a special touch by your power and grace. Do not be weary in well-doing and do not let the situations in front of you discourage you because think of the word dis-courage. Not courage. And you’re not going to go forward in courage if you’re discouraged and I say unto you my child remember well the verses that have ministered to you the most. Have strong prayer partners who really love you and care for you and do that which is biblical. And if you don’t know specifically what God wants you to do in terms of the results of praying in your prayer closet then look for the closest situation to it in the word of God and do it and you will be blessed. My hand is with you and I desire to do good to you and not evil and I desire also YOU to spread good. Know that I am with you and I will direct you and do not be discouraged. Amen.” 

If you’re not familiar with what a prophetic word is it’s basically a message from God to me through an individual, in this case it was Bill Jeynes. Do your homework he’s legit. It has become crystal clear there is absolutely no doubt in my mind I locked my keys in my car one day, ended up at this quaint little chapel that I am now attending Bible study studying the Book of Elijah and learning scripture. There are so many synchronicities it is mind-blowing. I’m not sure exactly how much I can share with you so that’s pretty much all I’m going to share for now but my mind is blown. 100% mind-blown.

I now know exactly why I have been put in this church and exactly what I need to learn and exactly why I need to learn it. A huge chunk of the puzzle, all the outer pieces, the most important ones really.

The hardest part about my journey is the fact that I am doing this by myself. I don’t discuss this with anybody at my church. I am half of 1% of the world’s population who is experiencing the kind of Awakening that I am. It’s hard because like I said there is no roadmap and there is no instructions. Its all blind leaps-of-faith, truly discovering what faith is all about and it’s all on me for now. All me until divine right timing when I’m finally introduced to my soul squad here on Earth. I do have God of course, and the Universe, my Angels and Spirit Guides and Ancestors and all of ’em but nobody else REALLY understands. No body gets it yet but it’ll all come together with time which is why my biggest lesson in life these days is patience.

Magical stuff miracles are made from though and I’m truly grateful God has chosen me to be a part of it. Thank you God for all you do. Simply magical.

So as I wrap up this post I look at the clock and its 12:21 which I automatically know is an angel number and here’s what it means… encouraging you to be gracious in your spiritual life and always be thankful for everything that happens in your life. Be thankful to God for everything that he’s doing in your life. A gracious attitude will enable you to have a great relationship with all that is divine.

I can’t make this stuff up people. Awesomeness.

Love and Light

And goodnight.

CORRECTION: Elijah didn’t write a book, its the story of Elijah. Got it. A story that’s eerily similar to mine…the first half anyway. Work in progress. Wink wink.