Angel Message

My angels are in full effect this morning as I prepare to embark on my adventure to Mexico adding another chapter in my journey of life. I walked to get some breakfast and my signs and synchronicities were flowing as usual with t-shirts reading “holy spirit junkie” and “spiritual gangster” putting a smile on my face.

Spirit also sends signs through overheard conversations and as I’m walking the only sentence that I picked up was, “life has changed and will never be the same.” Wowzas.

And to top it all off as I’m making sure that I have everything packed I get an Angel message….

“Trust in your skills and talents. Your angels are reminding you of your spiritual and creative side and your ability to be successful, they want you to trust your skills and talents.                                              Dear one…you have so many great traits and abilities that allow you to progress in what you’re passionate about. Keep working hard and have faith in your skillset, you have so much potential within you so trust yourself. Don’t entertain self-doubt and keep embracing positivity. Go out there and seize every opportunity, the next chapters of your life are waiting to be uncovered. You have so much to achieve so let your work help and bless others”

Wowzas again, so awesome and for that I say thank you.

Have a great weekend everybody.

Love and Light