Angel Number 1111

Angel number 1111 is probably the most frequently seen angel number of them all, I know people who haven’t experienced a spiritual awakening and see this number all the time. Angel number 1111 can have many different meanings and mean something different for each individual. That’s one of the beauties of spirituality, you take what resonates for you and leave the rest. You take what makes sense with what you’re going through at the particular phase of your journey and disregard the rest. It took me a minute or two to really grasp that not everything in a particular reading or message is meant for me, especially if it’s geared towards the collective. Once you become more comfortable and confident with listening to your intuition it’ll get easier to decipher was meant for you and what isn’t. Like anything else you wanna be good at, it’ll take practice and time so be patient. Heck, I’m still learning.

Whether it be on a clock, a receipt, a license plate, 1111 can be anywhere and everywhere. I can relate to every single one of ’em at different phases of my journey that I’ve been on for two and half years now. The last one being the one resonating with me most right this second, and for that I say thank you. The following are some of the reasons why you might be seeing the number 1111…

*It’s the number guardian angels use to awaken you… It’s like a wake up call for us and it’s their attempt to steer us back to the path we may have strayed from and it’s a sign to become more aware.

*A general reminder to be aware of your thoughts and actions… Thoughts become things with the help of your actions manifesting them. Your thoughts affect the reality in which you’re attempting to manifest. Like attracts like so positivity will attract positive things while negativity will attract negative things. Seeing 1111 is one way your angels are telling you to align your thoughts and actions by being more positive as they’re guiding you to joy and happiness.

* Act on your wishes… Have you ever made a wish when the clock hit 11:11? (OMG my best friend Jennifer Shepard and I used to do that all the time when we were teenagers. 12:12 too) While it may seem silly know that your angels are always listening to these wishes and are always willing to guide you and help you in manifesting those wishes. It’s their way of telling you they support you and are more than willing to assist you in making these wishes come true. We must remember though to take the necessary steps and choose the right actions in order for the manifestation to occur (angel number 1234 too).

* Be prepared for your awakening… 1111 is one of the most powerful symbols angels will use. Your angels are telling you you’re about to enter a period of awakening and they want you to look at your life with a broader perspective. They want to help awaken your body mind and soul (angel number 333 too) leading you to your spiritual path. It’s important you trust the signs and synchronicities they’re sending you so connect with your angels and guides and feel the support as they give you that extra courage you’re going to need to get you through everything you’re about to go through.


* Open yourself up… When you’re open to receive it allows new opportunities to be given to you in order to help you live life in a better way. As you become more open to the blessings of the Universe you will attract more opportunities and miracles (Law of Attraction). Opening your mind and broadening your perspectives helps you receive the abundant energy the Universe has to offer.

* Remain centered and humbled… When you welcome new changes and opportunities it’s important if not imperative to remain centered, grounded and humble. The number 1111 is a reminder from your angels to not take things for granted or become arrogant as you continue to receive more blessings. Staying humbled and centered helps to keep you aligned and walking a positive and abundant path.

* Always be appreciative and grateful for everything… Gratitude is fundamental when it comes to your connection with Spirit and the Universe. Gratitude shows you care and that you are grateful for the favors and unconditional love you’re receiving. It also helps you to become more and more positive, and I shouldn’t have to tell you that the more you become positive and appreciative, the more you become a better person. When you become a better person you ultimately vibrate higher and higher. Those who take things for granted and lack appreciation vibrate on a much lower frequency (you don’t want that lol).

* Your twin flame is near… A twin flame is the other half of your soul and not to be mistaken with soulmates or karmics. A twin flame is an intense relationship (doesn’t have to be romantic) of true unconditional love as your soul’s are the same. Seeing 1111 is a sign your twin flame is near and you’re likely about to cross paths.

*Raise your self-esteem… Your angels are telling you to be less concerned about what others think about you and try to be less anxious. With this number your angels are reminding you of your capabilities and uniqueness. Remember they’re always by your side and believe in you 100%.

* Don’t be afraid… Angel number 1111 is a message to release any and all fears inside you. Trust and believe that your angels already know what your fears are (in fact they know you better than you do) and they’re telling you to let go of those fears and not to waste any more energy on them. They’re encouraging you to begin your day with positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are the easiest method for self-healing and eventually work by reprogramming your brain on a subconscious level. Your angels are also encouraging you to listen to positive music that will raise your vibration (Alan Walker of course is one of mine along with Sia and many others). Music helps you redirect your focus from negative to positive taking you away from a sad or scared state to a better braver one.

(I’m a firm believer in positive affirmations whether I’m saying them to myself, writing them down or listening to them in the morning before I start my day. I think it’s at least 21 days in a row to be truly effective. Here’s two of my go-to’s…)

* You’re about to receive a big blessing… 1111 is a sign that a great blessing will soon impact your life in a big way so the angels are telling you to go out into the world and recognize how beautiful it is and appreciate the Creator’s masterpiece. As you open yourself to the energy of the world and all its creations it will positivley impact your spiritual being.

* A new chapter of your life is about to start… You’re about to start a new cycle entering into a new era of your life. The blessings, messages and signs the angels are providing you through the number at 1111 come down to letting go of your fears and any self-doubts. They’re encouraging you to be prepared and to align your thoughts and actions as you’re being guided to be more open and take action towards your dreams and goals and to show gratitude. Be ready by ridding yourself of any old or bad habits, release and let go of anything that no longer serves you and be ready to embrace this new beginning.

When you see angel number 1111 your angels are reminding you that they’re equipping you with motivation, inspiration, unconditional love, joy and peace. They’re inviting you to feel their energy flowing through you as they’re gifting you with blessings, guidance and protection.

Your angels are always sending you signs and messages so be aware. Be mindful of your thoughts and actions. Always be open and positive and know your angels and guides never ever leave your side. Angel number 1111, like all angel numbers, serve as a guiding compass for you to take action as your (good) decisions will ultimately dictate your new reality.

Love and Light