Angel Number 222 & Honey Bee

And so it continues. I saw angel number 222 twice yesterday, the second time sitting at a cafe on PCH with this gorgeous view eating my acqi bowl and reading my latest book. Woke up this morning to an angel message in my news feed about number 222. I love it, synchronicity doesn’t get any better than this lol.

222… dearest one, this is your angel’s way of encouraging you to keep going, keep the faith and trust that you are currently treading the right path. Be assured that the rewards could be unexpected but it will be the best possible outcome for you at this time in your life. They want you to pay attention to the signs of the universe as they’re presented so you’ll find the blessings and miracles in your situation. Angel number 222 is your angels love note reassuring you of your bright future, things may be messy right now but the Divine has the best plan for your life and you’re going in that direction. This season in your life is needed so you will be able to proceed to become the best version of yourself.

* Blessings of healing from Archangel Raphael

*Blessings of strength and wisdom from Archangel Gabriel 

*Blessings of protection from Archangel Michael 

*Blessings of abundance from Archangel Ariel 

Know that all your angels are helping you grow abundantly in the spiritual aspect so you’ll experience more of life. All unnecessary energies clinging to your aura are being removed from your energetic field and know that you are protected from all evils. Know your angels are nudging you to your true path. 

Every day is a good day but how can you not start one with this awesome message first thing? Honestly, this is what keeps me going. Yes my life is kinda messy right this second but it’s okay because it’s not forever it’s just for now and I’m so well aware that all my growth and change has happened because of the solitude in my car and I couldn’t be more grateful.

I had planned on moving in with a friend but like I said enter stage left with Spirit with different plans for me because it just didn’t feel right. I’m learning to trust my intuition and with that said I am going to stay in my car until it does feel right, and that’s okay. I may not have everything I want but I most certainly have everything I need. And clearly I’m not done learning, and that’s okay too because that seems to have become my favorite pastime.

I have to continually remind myself that I am not in charge here, I am here to do God’s work. I am here to serve, I’m here to help humanity, I am here to be a Light in the dark. I continue to learn the art of patience as I, along with many others, are patiently waiting for humanity to wake up. As a collective we can all move forward from what seems like hopeless times. But know it’s not hopeless, it’s far from it, we are all limitless and together we will overcome these uncertain times and see a better future.

You know it’s interesting, Wednesday mornings I help out the church with watching some of the children during a women’s bible study and I just so happened to be watching a couple of 9-year-olds. Yesterday not only did they teach me how to make slime, so rad, I love slime, but we also were talking about our names and the origins of our names and I thought mine was really interesting, and not surprising lol. I always knew Melissa meant “honeybee” but I dug a little deeper and found this…

Love and Light