We all know what the traditional angel is, what it stands for and what they are, and we all know I’m a big fan of angels in every form. It wasn’t until I heard it come out of my mouth yesterday that I truly had a revelation. Someone commented on my angel necklace and before I could even think about it I started to describe what it meant and I was like damn I really am an angel. I was telling her when you look at it from a perspective other than religion an angel is by definition an Agent of Change. I can definitely relate to change on many levels. I’ve changed just about everything from my attitudes to my perspectives to my diet and habits. I’ve changed my life and it’s only the beginning. I’ve changed my everything resulting in different belief systems and a completely different outlook on life and people in general.
Speaking of religion, I went to a revival earlier this week. I was invited and am always curious to see what others are doing and what their perspectives are, where they’re at. Revivals are pretty intense and cool nonetheless, at least they have faith. My biggest take away was how much they (by they I mean Christianity in general) preach how we’re separate from God. Not in a bad way just in general. It’s really hard to wrap your head around, especially in the beginning, but we are not separate from God, in fact we are God. When I say things like I want to get closer to God I’m learning that I do that by being in nature, by unconditionally loving, by accepting others and forgiving. God does not judge, God does not form opinions, and that’s because God is not human. God is energy, God is Love. God is Truth. God is the presence of bliss.
Listening to Matais De Stefano is helping to grasp some concepts that have been difficult to wrap my head around. The fact that English is his second language has really helped because when he explains things he does it in simple terms. He was brought up in an Agnostic household with no father, no one to try and be like, which made it easier for him not to have anything to compare “God” or religion to. From childhood, it’s different for everybody of course, we’re engrained with belief systems from our parents, from school and from our religions and have been for millennium. And no offense but we’ve also been lied to, sometimes on purpose and other times unintentionally.
I’m here to be the change so I can emulate change in general for a better society. It explains why when I asked Spirit what exactly I am, it explains why one of the answers came in the form of angel synchronicities, like everywhere. I kid you not for probably a couple weeks, hard to say, I saw angel symbols in every which way shape and form. I did a post about it. Speaking of every which way shape and form, I’ve been seeing the angel number 222 everywhere. Maybe four or five times a day for a couple weeks now. It was also recently brought to my attention, a website I was familiar with but forgot about and haven’t looked at for years. I learned about it when I first started my journey but it’s no coincidence that I was recently reminded, so I could look up 222 for a fresh perspective. Joanne Sacred Scribes.
As I was helping a customer last night, the number 911 showed up and in that moment I was thinking to myself how this number is showing up a lot lately too and has been. Again in that exact moment a thought popped in my head that I should see what Joanne Sacred Scribes website says about it. And AGAIN in that moment as I was running the transaction through the credit card machine the number 111 showed up in the credit card transaction approval number. Not only is that my personal number for my mom but it was also confirmation that I need to do just that. Needless to say as soon as I was done that’s exactly what I did…
I see angel numbers all day every day but there’s certain ones that are definitely louder than usual these days. 999. 222. 911. 111. 711. And it wasn’t until this moment that I’m putting it all together. I’m about to make a pretty big purchase pertaining to my future and the start of an actual career. Because it’s such a big deal I’m not procrastinating per se but really taking my time making sure its truly in alignment with my purpose. At least that’s the story I’m telling myself lol because in all honesty I’m a wee bit nervous about it. I’m nervous because I haven’t had a career until now and now I’m about to take the first step to a career in spirituality. Sometimes I let my ego get in the way but I have to remind myself that I’m fearless for crying out loud. I know it’s my next step but its a big one.
I need to let go of that doubt, take the leap of faith and believe in myself. It’s also why I’ve been doing all these little things from roller skating to volunteering to selling my own creations out of the store I’m working at. All to build my confidence, to prepare me for what’s to come. I’m telling you I’m like the Karate Kid doing all these little random things, when in reality it’s all in preparation for what’s to come. It’s pretty awesome because it’s all starting to come full circle and for that I truly say thank you.
These past four years were about breaking me down so to speak so I could have a fresh start, starting over with a firm foundation for the first time in my life, to build the rest of my life on a firm foundation that won’t crumble. Thank you Spirit for everything. This literally just popped up as I finished that sentence. Notice the angel number at the bottom…wowzas, synchronicity and my mother at its finest. Confirmation heard.
I think I need a tissue.
711 is also a number I’ve been seeing a lot lately. A lot of Master Numbers are showing up in my life right now. Coincidence? Not a chance.
Love and Light