Angel Numbers & Huntington Beach

I’ve been meaning to do this post for over a week now but time is just flying. I love my job for so many reasons and knocking out 40 hours in three days is just one of ’em, it leaves me with four days to do whatever else my big heart desires. I was recently told to watch out for coins and repeating numbers and had to chuckle a wee bit cause those have been a big part of my life for going on three years. But man, they weren’t kidding because four days in a row my synchronicities with angel numbers and coins were through the roof.

It started with last Sunday when I went to Angel Stadium (haha, no pun intended, that’s actually kinda funny) with angel number 333. Well for the next three days it was like clockwork with seeing the same angel number all day and then waking up to a message. Pretty awesome. Monday it was all about 444…

444... Archangel Jophiel (beauty) and Archangel Chamuel (love) would like to connect with you through angel number 444. They want you to know they’re guiding you and supporting you always. They’re encouraging you to work on your goals and be not afraid to get out of your comfort zone because you’ll soon see your dreams unfolding into reality. 

Message from Archangel Jophiel… dearest one, I bring peace and beauty into your life. I want you to focus on your purpose and work on your goals, do not be discouraged and do not allow others to tell you what you should be doing and who you should be, just focus on what you should do and know your angels will always be there for you. God has made you who you are because you have a unique purpose that only you can bring to this world.

Message from Archangel Chamuel… dearest child of God, I bring love and harmony into your life and the power to achieve your dreams. Whatever it is that your soul is leading you to right now, I’m encouraging you to take the first step do not be afraid to take action as I will be with you guiding you throughout your journey. Trust yourself and know that your angels are always at work in the background. Listen to your inner voice and let my blessings of inspirations and motivation fill your being so you will be able to take inspired action. 

These messages, all the messages in fact, are so powerful to me because they resonate on so many levels. I’ve worked so hard to get to where I’m at right now and feel like this is just the beginning for me and I couldn’t be more excited and for that I say thank you. I do my best to live every day of my life in the attitude of gratitude because I have everything to be thankful for, and that’s not even including what the future holds.

The next day I saw 777 three different times… if you’re experiencing doubt the Divine realm is sending you a special message through angel number 777 telling you they’re on your side supporting you on your chosen path so let go of any doubts and embrace what’s to come and focus on your journey. 777 is highly spiritual and is assuring you you’re exactly where you should be and it’s time for you to go deeper into your spiritual journey. Your angels are encouraging you to take a step up and move higher in your spiritual ascension, you’ve already mastered the lessons of your current level and want you to keep progressing. They want you to focus on finding more answers within, your guides are here to help you with coming challenges and not to worry.

Then it was 1111 my favorite and the most common angel number there is to be seen…


And let’s not forget the coins on my way into work one morning. Sometimes I stop and pick ’em up, depends on if I have somewhere to be and if I have enough time because in my world if you show up on time, you’re pretty much late. You can hardly see ’em in the pic but whatever I was so excited, and early, I had to take pictures. I think it was three pennies and a dime, two different stops. I love being in alignment, everything just seems to flow effortlessly and good things just seem to happen. Yes please.

This popped up in my Youtube feed, I love it, and I love Huntington Beach, it’s where all my healing has happened and I’m so proud to say this has been my backyard for about a year. I grew up in Orange County, spent fifteen years in Colorado and love them both equally for different reasons. It will be sad to say goodbye to HB but I’m not gonna lie, I’m feeling a little itch to relocate or travel, something. I do love my new job and all but this is not my final destination.

Love and Light