Angel Numbers, Kryon & My Huntington Beach Sunset

I was riding my bike home from yoga the other day when a thought popped into my head and that was, “when someone dies it’s destiny.” Why that particular thought came about I have no idea, it is a line from The Painted Veil, but in that exact moment an ambulance went by with a 111 in the license plate. I was like wowzas thanks for the immediate confirmation. Not even five minutes later I rounded a corner to see a plate with 000 and to me that means Source and infinite possibilities and limitlessness, and in that precise moment another car with a 111 went in front of me. Good stuff.

I was heading home from the skate center yesterday morning and when I turned the key to the engine Miss Independent was playing with a 10:10 on the digital clock. Then it got even better when I pulled up behind a car with a license plate frame that had 00:00 on the top with “and you’re gonna be happy” on the bottom. The thought that was on my mind in that exact moment put a huge smile on my face and joy in my heart. I would share with you what that thought was but as of right now it’s classified until it comes to fruition. Did I mention there was a 333 in the license number itself, and did I also mention there was a 133 to my left and a 133 to my right with a 222 behind me? Imagine my frustration when I kept realizing I didn’t have my phone. FRANCIS! as my brother would say but it’s angel numbers all day everyday.

Something made me look up at my bookshelf before heading to work yesterday afternoon and I couldn’t help but notice the title to one of my Kryon books that had the word alchemy in it. All the alchemy talk lately has me thinking hello synchronicity. I pulled it out and opened it to whatever page wanted to present itself, I’ve mentioned before that I just like to open books and journals to a single page because it’s never a coincidence, and this is what it said.

I mean come on. It’s pretty cool how I bought this book last summer and am just now about to read it. It’s 9:11 as I type this sentence. 911 for me now stands for completion and new beginnings. I bought five Kryon books at the conference in Sedona last year, and honestly (I thought) I bought ’em cause they were five bucks, I bought five of ’em, not all chronological either. I didn’t choose the books, they were the ones there but I can’t help but think that they’re exactly the ones I was gonna need. I’ve read the first two, truth be told I still have to finish the second one and I’m almost there but what did I tell you about finishing books. Again it’s my soul that knows exactly what I need and when I need it. Even though I didn’t need it right away my higher self knew I would along the way so with out even thinking about it, without hesitation, I bought the books. I bought the master healer book that I haven’t cracked yet either but I’m sure when the time is right I’ll know when to read that one too.

My date with the beach the other day didn’t disappoint…

there’s hearts in the tree yay

you sank my battleship! haha throwback from the 80’s

May you have joy in your heart, peace in your mind and love in your life.
