Angel Numbers & Recent Lessons Learnt

I’ve posted about angel numbers before and I will continue to post about angel numbers as they’re one of my favorite things to talk about probably because they’re such a big part of my life, I see ’em all day every day. Interpreting angel numbers can be a highly personal process as the meaning of each number may differ based on an individual’s unique experiences, beliefs and intuitions however there are general steps you can take to interpreting the messages behind these numbers. It’s important to pay attention to the circumstances surrounding the appearance of the numbers every time you see them. For example where you’re at, what you’re thinking, what you’re doing.

Take the time to look them up yourself as you never know where it could lead from one click on the internet to another. But remember interpreting these numbers is a personal intuitive process and always remain open and receptive to the messages you’re receiving. With practice and patience you can use angel numbers as a tool for your spiritual growth and self discovery.

If you want a little help with interpreting these numbers here is a little prayer that has been brought to my attention. Thank you Celestial Inspiration…

“Dear angels, I come to you with an open heart and mind seeking your guidance and wisdom as I encounter angel numbers in my daily life. I understand that these numbers may hold spiritual or symbolic significance and I ask that you help me to interpret and discern their true meaning. Please help me to be aware of the circumstances surrounding the appearance of these numbers and to understand the messages they’re conveying. Guide me to trust my intuition and inner wisdom as I interpret these messages and to recognize the signs and synchronicities that may be present in my life. I ask that you help me to integrate these messages into my spiritual journey and to use them as a tool for growth and self-discovery. Please give me the clarity and insight I need to move forward on my path with confidence and grace and to align with my highest purpose and potential. Thank you for loving support and guidance and for your constant presence in my life”    Amen



A reminder to stay positive and focus on your goals. Trust your gut and listen to your heart. A sign of encouragement urging you to keep moving forward and trust your path.



Your intuition is guiding you. You’re in alignment and at the right place at the right time. Also associated with balance, harmony and spiritual awakening. A reminder to trust your instincts and follow your heart.



A message of encouragement and support from the universe and/or your angels. Your guides are around you sending you their support and guidance. Also a sign of divine intervention indicating you’re on the right path and you have the support of the universe behind you, they all have your back.



Symbol of stability and strength often indicating you’re on the right path. A sign of protection. The universe and your guides are protecting you. May appear as a reminder to stay grounded and focused, especially in times of challenges or obstacles.



A sign of change and transformation urging you to embrace new opportunities and let go of the past, something new is coming. Often associated with growth and evolution and may appear as a sign that it’s time to step outside of your comfort zone and try something new.



A reminder to balance your spiritual and material world. Also a symbol of reflection and realize it’s time to wake up to your higher spiritual truth. May appear as a warning to avoid becoming too attached to material possessions or your focused too much on the material world at the expense of your spiritual well-being.



A symbol of spiritual growth and enlightenment indicating you’re on the right path. Also a sign of luck. Be ready, wonderful things are about to happen. Often seen as a sign of spiritual awakening indicating you’re developing a deeper connection to the divine.



Abundance. Also a sign of balance and prosperity to encourage you to stay positive and believe in your own power. Also a sign of balance, everything is falling into place as it’s meant to be many appears a reminder that you have the ability to manifest your dreams and achieve your goals. (For me 888 also stands for Faith. Trust. God)



A message of completion or ending urging you to let go of the past and prepare for new beginnings. A sign it’s time to release and let go of what’s no longer serving you. Often seen as a sign that it’s time to release old patterns, beliefs or relationships in order to make way for new growth and opportunities.


The other day I was reading an article and came across the term the year of the rabbit which made me remember that earlier that day on a whim I had bought a lotto ticket. While I didn’t win big financially I did win big with angel numbers and I know abundance is on its way. For the record, abundance doesn’t have to be money, it can be abundance spiritually, in health or in anything your heart desires. Just a day in the life of me and angel numbers and how they work.

I’ve been seeing a lot of my own personal angel numbers everywhere and I still have yet to figure out exactly what they all mean. Take 1027 for example, it took me almost two decades to figure out that God was trying to tell me that everything is possible with Him.


I’m not sure what all these numbers exactly mean, some of them may seem obvious but keep in mind there’s nothing obvious when it comes to my awakening, about the numbers anyway. For example 911 and 420 aren’t the obvious for me. I don’t smoke weed and I thought 911 was about bringing forth the truth in 9/11 but I did a post about that a while ago and I’m still seeing it regularly, and not on anything having to do with emergency services.

There is a lot happening astrologically in the near future, for example the Aries Equinox is on March 20th kicking off the astrological new year (not January), followed by an Aries New Moon on March 21st. New life directions, choices and ideas are opening up so pay attention to where your energy feels a “yes” to move forward. Then let’s not forget next month there’s an Aries solar eclipse happening on April 20th (420) so be prepared for big global changes, collapses, purging and shifting. Quite a bit of activity and energy surrounding these areas, sounds like my kind of fun lol, Aries are all about taking action and getting shit done.

I did find out what 1221 meant recently though and for that I say thank you. A little angel message crossed my path yesterday morning.


Took a trip to Los Angeles this morning and of course I was blessed with angel numbers on a continual basis, but it never ceases to amaze me how there are so many people suffering these days. It’s almost like so many are set up for failure, and not just in our country but in others as well. Governments and the way everything is structured sets us up for failure, on many different levels. Take Mexico for example where so many people don’t get an education past elementary school, that’s because children have to stop going to school in order to work so their families can afford things like healthy water and/or not living on the dirt. Some houses in Mexico may have a roof but not a floor, it’s sad really.

Then you’ve got countries like ours, which I’m pretty sure is the richest country in the world if not one of them, and yet the way our society is structured it puts so many into debt and makes it almost impossible to climb out. These are just basic examples. They’ve been setting us up for failure since the beginning and it breaks my heart and infuriates me all at the same time. But that’s what this New Earth is all about and all of this just puts a fire under my butt to do what I have to do to be the change I want to see.

At this point in my journey one of the lessons I keep being reminded of is I need to learn to keep my mouth shut. Sure I have a blog and I have a responsibility to share my growth, educate on the information I learn and inform those with a desire for truth, however when it comes to my personal life and the decisions I’m making on things like a job change, I just need to keep my thoughts to myself.

Of course I pray about almost everything and talk to my spirit guides and angels about situations but when it comes to my friends, and mind you I only have a small handful of good friends that I can discuss stuff with and even that is limited on what I can say, I just need to make my decisions on my own. Which is difficult because there are times when I want to bounce things off other people to get an outside opinion or perspective but at the same time I have to remember that right now nobody really understands my journey. Nobody. Sometimes I don’t even understand my journey. I keep praying for my soul squad, I keep praying that God and the universe are going to put people in my path that understand everything I’m learning along with the concepts that I’m relearning and the perspectives I’m changing almost daily.

At the end of the day I have to make decisions for myself and what’s going to better my journey, not everybody realizes that the job(s) I have right now are temporary because each place is going to have a different set of lessons or just things for me to learn, whatever they may be. My forever job will have something to do with helping change humanity and bettering society as the world around us is crumbling. What is that exactly? I have no idea lol but that’s why I walk by faith and not by sight which is a concept a lot, if not most, just don’t understand. And I get it, I didn’t truly understand that concept either until I was put in my car with nothing but literally the shirt on my back and not much else and was somewhat forced to trust in something bigger than myself.

Another lesson I learned literally a few hours ago was how it is not okay to get a water cup at a restaurant and fill it with soda. I’ve been doing that every time I go to MOD pizza and today I was called out. I have to say not only was it embarrassing but it was a lesson learned. As an ambassador for change and growth and transformation it was imperative for me to reflect and realize that this is not okay, that it’s technically stealing.

I should know better but it’s just something that I didn’t really think twice about because I don’t drink soda, ever really, except for when I go to MOD pizza. I guess I justified it with that and the fact that the cup was so small. I’ve since apologized, corrected my belief system and have changed my perspective on that behavior completely. While there are many who do it I need to lead by example. It seems so silly but I got to be honest I’m beating myself up a wee bit, but at the end of the day I have to remember to be gentle with myself as I am a spiritual being having a human experience who’s here to learn lessons and now I have to let it go and move forward but it really bothered me because that’s not the kind of person I want to be. So again my apologies to MOD because I truly am grateful for their services and their delicious pizza, my bad, it won’t happen again. I guess angel number 1221 really makes sense now, and for that I say thank you.

Love and Light