I’ve noticed some of the videos in my blog posts have been taken down. I generally don’t go back and reread my posts after I’ve published them but the few I have seen, the videos are now unavailable. It’s whatever. Instead of the videos I will just leave the link instead.
Edward Swoden, I do believe he’s a whistleblower.
This information is actually nothing new, just a reminder really. I do believe the surveillance laws significantly changed after 9/11 which is another reason it happened. A lot changed after 9/11 but I think we all know how I feel about that. Interesting yet not surprising how they use traumatic events (crimes against humanity) to their advantage. Correction, for their advantage. And they will continue to keep us in fear and separation, especially now that the Light is fighting back.
They want you to be Godless, sexless, genderless, childless, depressed, anxious, afraid, drug addicted, lonely, physically weak, mentally weak, in debt, isolated, living in a pod, eating bugs, and dependent on the state for everything. -Anonymous official.
So they want us to be like China, pretty much. I have no idea how far they’ll get either. I do know they’re gonna try, it’s already in motion. What I also know is that there will not be a nuclear war and nuclear bombs will not take flight. There will also not be alien invasions, false flags of alien invasions is another story, if I’m not mistaken that’s already happening in South America, hard to say. They are testing the broadcast system though, I think twice in like two weeks, can’t help but to wonder why. Were they always “presidential alerts”? I don’t even recall the last time we had one, besides these two most recent. Hasn’t it been a long while?
No action’s required just yet anyway. Sometimes I think it would be nice to not question everything, not everything is sinister, but it’s part of my job as a Lightworker so I seem to always be on high alert. From what I understand there will also not be three days of worldwide power outages, and if and when they try to implement mandatory restrictions for another plandemic, they will not be successful. All of these are fear tactics to keep us in a state of low vibration. Most people aren’t even aware of what’s happening and even less people are aware of what’s really happening (on a galactic level) so most people will inevitably suffer from fear and anxiety (if they’re not already), confusion, resistance and backlash. The dark entities are well aware such low vibrations can cause physical, mental and emotional harm which is why they want to keep us there.
Another reason we’re here on Earth is free will. Right now it’s a battle of free will and the ability to exercise it. While our angels and guides, and God, will not intervene, there’s no law in the Galactic Federation saying they can’t intervene. Under Galactic law the dark entities will not get away with their crimes against humanity. There will come a point when enough is enough. With free will though, the point is for humanity to save themselves first but it’s kind of hard to save ourselves with so many people sleeping on the job, no pun intended. There will be hardships but from what I understand, if and when it comes down to it and humanity can’t save themselves, there will be an intervention.
Jesus didn’t come to Earth to die for our sins, he came to teach us love and compassion. Make no mistake he went to the cross for doing just that but it’s been over 2,000 years and we haven’t gotten it right. In all fairness we have been brainwashed and taunted and overtaken by negative entities who have infiltrated pretty much everything especially our governments, military elite and whatever category the WHO and WEF fall under. But again under Galactic law they won’t and can’t get away with it. The second coming of Christ is humanity waking up to the realization that we are limitless, we are not separate from God, God is in every single one of us. We have the tools for success, we just need to apply ’em which is why Old Souls and Lightworkers, God’s ground crew, are here to pick up where Jesus left off.
I know all this sounds crazy and a majority of humanity doesn’t have the slightest clue about the spiritual war that’s actually happening, and there’s like 8 billion people. Haha, this isn’t even crazy compared to some of the stuff I’ve learned and continue to learn. I’m just now really learning about much of the galactic aspects so I can’t really go into detail yet but I feel honored and blessed to be in the know. Eventually everyone will be in the know, whether they like it or not.
Pain and suffering is a method to learn lessons which is crucial for growth and development and another reason we’re here on Earth. Soul growth. Negative entities take advantage and use it against us by instilling fear and creating the illusion of separation. Separation from God, from Spirit, from Love and Light. Fear-based programming has been planted in all our subconscious brains, being used by the manipulators to maintain power over us. The knowledge of our cosmic heritage isn’t knew, it’s just knew to the majority, but it’s gaining acceptance as more and more people are becoming aware of it. Like everything else it’s gonna take some time. It’s 311 which is all about timing lol I love it.
My blog was created for a number of reasons. It’s pretty incredible when I think about it, and here I thought I was creating it to let my friends and family know my whereabouts while traveling. Pfft, nope. It wasn’t even my idea at the end of the day. Not my human brain’s idea anyway, I see that now. The name Fearless Aries, not my idea either, surely it was inspiration from above. If it wasn’t my angels and guides, then it was from my Higher Self which resides on the other side of the veil and is watching my every move and certainly knows my blueprint. My Higher Self wrote the blueprint before incarnating. It’s probably all of ’em, Law of Oneness. It all makes sense now and if you ask me, I think it’s pretty fucking cool. It’s just proof in my opinion that I’m being guided every step of the way and throughout this whole process.
I was reading an article about the eclipses in my news feed from People magazine yesterday and couldn’t help but to notice this Freudian slip. Or is it? Things that make me go hmm. Don’t you mean to say celestial or astronomical? I’m all about extraterrestrials. Another fun word to type. Trust and believe that there are extraterrestrial life forces living among us, not to mention watching over us.
This post was kind of heavy and you know I can’t leave it like that. So please enjoy some signs, synchronicities and fun from the past couple days. And I don’t know what I’m seeing more of these days, the angel number 144 or angel synchronicities themselves. Just an observation. You wanna know another observation I’ve made over the past week or so? A lot of people go to the gym to putz on their phones. Why? I mean hey, do you, but can you kindly get off the machine and go putz somewhere else so I can do what I came here to do, thanks. Lol, just sayin’.

Angels are heralds of eternity sent to help mankind break through when they cannot breakout. They operate at points where Heaven touches Earth. -Graham Cooke (1999)
Love and Light