Angels & The Grand Prix

A Mother’s Love

A mother’s love is reaching out to you at this time and holding you close. She knows how much you miss her and wants to remind you that this special bond of love can never be broken.

I screenshot the whole thing because up in the corner the time was 12:12 which is an angel number. This message coming like two days after I wrote in my journal that I missed my momma. You can’t tell me they’re not listening, you can’t tell me this is coincidence. I suppose you could but in my world (and yours) there’s no such thing as coincidences. I tell them all I miss my mom (in the last sentence) and two days later she responds. It’s beautiful, it’s miraculous and it’s real. Sometimes though you just need to journal the things you’re grateful for. This is only a fraction of the page of course.

giving up isn’t in my vocabulary, especially when it comes to love

The grand prix was awesome as usual, so blessed to receive free tickets and be able to go three years in a row. There’s something super sexy about the sounds with racing, I can’t get enough. Haha we were joking how super sexy sounds would make for a good band name. We had a good laugh on the way home with “Super Sexy Sounds playing at the Yap House tonight, women only.” The Yap House, women only, get it, cause women friggin’ yap. It was funny.

I found a dime and had the pleasure of seeing both a butterfly and dragonfly fly what seemed like right in front of my face and just for me. 555 was the angel number of the day, it was virtually everywhere. It’s even where we parked. It’s even exactly what time it is as I start this post! I know I take a lot of pictures of angel numbers and it may get old for some but not for me. The excitement I feel when I see ’em never gets old. There are times when some are more excitable than others but I’m so grateful for every single one of ’em and every single time.


my new phone has a dual capture feature that’s pretty neat

Good times.

Love and Light