Answering Adventures Call

I woke up one morning about a month ago with an overwhelming feeling or knowing that it was time to go get my stuff in Colorado. I remember the excitement I felt (and still do) because it was movement forward. Oftentimes when nothing’s happening I feel as though I’m stagnant. When I really let my mind wonder, that’s when the doubts creep in and I think I may have missed the train when in reality that’s not even possible. Clearing out my storage unit was also an opportunity for closure and a big one at that considering I spent fifteen years there, seven in the mountains and eight in the city. Over the course of the next week the stars all aligned and before I knew it everything was set.

I knew it wasn’t going to be easy and I also knew it was going to be an opportunity to show them all how far I’ve come as I was going to have to let a lot of things go. I’m always up for a challenge though and I was pumped to be answering adventures call, I love road trips. Nothing says freedom to me like being on the open road doing my own thing and at my own pace. Before I knew it the time had come and I was off for Colorado, I left on a Tuesday. First stop was a gas station right outside of Vegas (I even found a penny) and then Beaver, Utah. I had to stop and get a t-shirt of course, it’s that wee bit of immaturity that keeps me young. I love Beaver.


I love castor yes I do

My initial plan was to spend the night in Utah but when I arrived in Beaver I wasn’t tired so I got a big cup of coffee and my apples I’d cut up for the trip and was like I’ll drive till I can’t. I started to feel it when I hit Grand Junction but with every next town I kept saying to myself okay the next town. It was Glenwood Springs when I read a sign over the highway saying to expect delays from 7am to 5pm that had me thinking there’s no way I’ve come this far to sit in traffic so it was onward. But it was also at this point that I had to call in for some reinforcement as I was starting to really feel the fatigue. I asked my angels to carry me the rest of the way because there was nothing I wanted more than to just be there, and they did.

The next four days consisted of hard work, feeling my emotions, letting go and saying goodbye. I made many trips to the donation center knowing I could bring back only what would fit in the van. It wasn’t too hard to let go of most of it though because at the same time I knew I was starting to declutter my life, I knew I couldn’t move forward without letting some of it go. I was sad to see that dresser go, they don’t make anything like they used to and most don’t appreciate antiques like I do.

Teresa (manager of the storage) and I had gotten close before I left for Costa Rica, what’s even cooler is unbeknownst to us we almost had matching tattoos. I was telling her about the dresser and the next day she came to me and told me about a dream she had where the dresser killed me on the way home. What’s crazier is for whatever reason I had already made the decision the night before I wasn’t bringing it home.

People are going to think what I have to say next is strange but whatever I’m gonna say it anyway. We all know how I feel about little bugs and Spirit, they’re definitely connected in my world. This little moth showed up every single day as if to cheer me on through my process of it all. This picture doesn’t do it justice because it was tiny especially compared to the one I saw later. A huge moth made an appearance on my way home, I saw it once near the dashboard and that was it.

I took a drive to Longmont to deliver the mixer I sold because God put it on my heart to be kind and help this person out by delivering it. One of the things I miss most about Colorado is the spectacular views from every direction, especially this time of year with all the snow capped mountains. I miss the snow, I miss the mountains, and all the green. I don’t know what’s next for me but I’m not a city girl (anymore) and if I had my druthers I’d choose mountains. I took another drive to Red Rocks Community College, I knew they had free shredding and I wanted to see how the campus had changed. I spent ten years at this school getting my degree and then working at Barnes & Noble College. I was even the Rising Star in 2012, they were off by about a decade but no one’s counting. One of the best things about this school was the commute, it was breathtaking no matter the season.

After four days of diligent hard work, sofa city sweetheart and slicing my hand on sheet metal (awesome) I expressed my thank yous to Tony and April for their hospitality and was headed back home to play some more storage unit shuffle. This time I split it up though, no way was I driving straight through and spent the night in St. George, Utah. Something I found odd yet not surprising was how on three different occasions I was given back change in the form of pennies and dimes. Were three different people all fresh out of quarters? 44 cents in pennies and dimes.


Love and Light