Ascending Age…You’re Being Called

Oh man what a day LMAO. Fast Eddie’s one funny dump truck mother sucker, you’re going to have to read the book for this one though. Finally able to get my morning message from Soulful Revolution and again I don’t know what deck it is cause she didn’t specify but this is what it reads…

“Coming soon…welcome to the ascending age. It’s time to awaken to your role in the next ascending age of evolutionary consciousness of humanity. The ancient prophecies predicted light eons followed by darkness. This era is part of an opproximately 26,000 year cycle that’s part of the cycle within a greater galactic cycle. Our world is stepping out of a descending age and into an ascending silver age where we’ll uncover long hidden gifts and talents. Thank you for being here and in this emerging now. Thank you for showing up at the right time. Thank you for who you are becoming.”

What is your role to play in the greater story unfolding? Work on your own healing because that’s something you will bring to the rest of the world.

My Angels numbers today came fast and furious once again. Its so exciting cause in two years I’ve never seen so many big dawgs (angel numbers three and four digits) in one day and now it’s two days in a row. Do I think things are accelerating at warp speed? You betcha and I couldn’t be more excited. Truly grateful for all my blessings. And these are the ones I remembered cause I didn’t write em all down like I did yesterday so I’m sure I’m missing a few but whatevs.

1111, 111, 333, 666, 444, 555, 777, 1212, 10:10 and 88 like six or seven times on my drive home which was maybe 20 minutes. I even was randomly gifted an 11:11 sweatshirt. Such awesomeness. Thanks Fast Eddie.

Mount Carmel…can someone say Elija?