Astronomical Awesomeness

Over the weekend there was a significant amount of energy and today there will be an energy wave twice as strong as the previous one. We’re working within a new paradigm making it now easier to recognize the creative potential of everyday moments in our life. Focus on balance and becoming the best version of yourself in any given moment. You can experience the emergence of magic when you have the mind frame of anything is possible and by being able to maintain a high frequency you can consciously choose to do so.

Tomorrow there is a second new moon in Aries, the first one was last month at 0° while tomorrow it’s at 29°. It doesn’t happen too often but this year we’re blessed with a new moon in Aries in the beginning of the zodiac sign and a second one catching it at the very end. Then of course there is a solar eclipse happening in the new moon (supercharging it) in Aries tomorrow evening or early Thursday morning depending on what part of the world you are in, followed by a lunar eclipse happening in the full moon of Taurus May 5th. Prepare to have your mind blown as you can expect spontaneous awakenings along with second chances. Eclipses affect everybody differently depending on your birth chart so some will feel the effects on a spectacular level while others may feel like it’s just another day.

Eclipses are turbocharged celestial events sending shock waves through the very fabric of our existence. They have the unique power to activate the north and south nodes of destiny which are points in our lives where our karmic paths intersect with the current trajectory. During these transformative eclipses you might find yourself feeling as though the universe is urging you to let go of outdated beliefs, behaviors and reactions that no longer serve you. The celestial dance of the cosmos will bring forth transformative energies as these eclipses will help you open your heart and mind to new possibilities.

The potent combination of these eclipses in 2023 brings the message of a significant collective shift as humanity is making an effort to heal from the wounds inflicted by an abusive hierarchical system. For centuries the system has perpetrated trauma and suffering leaving a profound impact on the human psyche. The energy from these eclipses acts as a catalyst urging us to break free from the chains of our painful past and to embrace the new era of unity, compassion and collaboration.

It’s vital to remember that each of us plays an essential role in the collective awakening. By actively engaging in our own personal healing we contribute to the transformation of the collective consciousness by consciously choosing to let go of the old and begin with the new, whether that be in relationships, the workplace or family affairs. The Aries north node solar eclipse serves as a catalyst for personal growth and transformation urging us to step out of comfort zones and seize life’s opportunities.

The age of the New Earth is upon us and we must learn to navigate it’s uncharted waters. Quantum consciousness is also an essential aspect of this transformation as it represents a shift in the way we perceive and interact with the world around us. This new way of thinking goes beyond the limits of conventional linear thought patterns and embraces a more holistic interconnected understanding of reality.

By integrating the principles of quantum physics with our consciousness we can tap into an expansive awareness that holds the key to navigating these unprecedented times. Adapting to the new flow of quantum consciousness is critical as it will guide us in making choices that align with the greater good of humanity and Mother Gaia.

On April 21st Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus coinciding with the active eclipse gateway. This cosmic event is an invitation to examine the deepest parts of ourselves acknowledging both our strengths and weaknesses while striving for personal growth. As we embark on this journey remember the importance of empathy and compassion not only for others but also for ourselves. As the eclipse portal opens and Mercury retrograde unfolds take this opportunity to share your intentions, dreams and aspirations with others around you. Engage in meaningful conversations, listen to others perspectives and offer support and encouragement as they too navigate their own personal transformations.

Never forget that we are loved for our unique essences and our authentic selves. This love stems from the connections you forge with others, our kindness, our compassion and our empathy. Embrace this love, let it fuel you and help you grow knowing that you’re never alone. With love we can create a powerful collective energy united by our shared intentions and the desire to evolve. May we strive for a brighter more enlightened future filled with love, understanding and personal growth.

Love and Light