Asymptomatic: Nope

Gotta love that moment you overhear a conversation that most likely wasn’t meant for your ears and you realize, damn, either they’re being lied to or they’re the ones lying. Why is it so fucking hard to tell the truth these days? Seriously, lying is the new norm for what seems like most and it really gets my blood boiling. It especially gets my blood boiling when there’s no such thing as asymptomatic when it comes to particular ailments, AKA Covid.

Do your own research but make sure you’re using the right search engine of course. Google only shows you what they want you to see, in case your head’s that deep and you weren’t aware. Probably Bing too but I don’t use that one, never have and never will. Covid’s asymptomatic like the Delta variant is real. Wow, I JUST read that most people getting the Delta variant are asymptomatic lol of course they are. I’m gonna fill you in on another secret, a friend of mine just told me two days ago (whole family is double vaccinated) that his parents just came down with Covid…again. I suggested steering clear of the booster.

And wanna know what REALLY gets my blood boiling? When I’M accused, more or less, of being brainwashed for being smart enough to know what the truth is and heaven forbid I fucking speak it. Stop using their vocabulary for their made up narrative. No such thing as asymptomatic in regards to Covid and it’s not a vaccine, it’s a fucking bioweapon. And take off those stupid masks too, unless you’re performing surgery of course. Jeez. We weren’t meant to live in fear so stop that!

I am so sick of all this bullshit, dividing people and races and families. I’m so ready for all of it to come out already. Seriously enough of this Mickey Mouse pussy footin’ around fucking bullshit. Man up and out it already. That’s exactly what it is, fucking bullshit, it’s so lame it makes me wanna vomit…daily. They said my best weapon right now is to be patient and quiet but I’m telling you sometimes that just isn’t possible. I’m sorry it’s just not but I do feel better already thank you very much. With that said I’ve said enough, sorry somebody struck a nerve this morning.

Happy Thanksgiving and have a nice day.