Attitude Adjustments and My Tiny Beetle

Attitude Adjustments and My Tiny Beetle

It’s not funny, it’s not ironic but it sure is something how I feel like I’m constantly being put in check. Little silent nudges to make some attitude adjustments by subtly making their way into my brain space.

Pretty slick, slick. I love it though because I can’t say that they’re not on point. I just read an article by Vince Growmon that really hit home and has made me re-examine my way of thinking about what’s going on our society today.

I have to admit it gets my blood boiling faster than [insert funny analogy here] and I’m sure it shows. And that’s not really the energy level I should or want to be at. Sooooo, I can say with confidence, todays attitude adjustment….check.

Rather than be angry with all the injustice and chaos, and instead of fearing the storm that’s about to engulf our lives, I need to remember why I’m here and how I can tackle this inevitable battle with the tools I’ve been given and WILL be given to embody my higher self and be a guiding force, that beacon of light because it’s Gods Will.

I’ve been given the opportunity to learn from some hard life lessons and grow consciously allowing myself to expand on a deep soul level in order to serve others with no fear and no judgements.

We have a chance, there will only be one shot at global redemption and I would be doing a disservice if I didn’t do what it is that I chose to come here and do.

“Signs? You bet your sweet ass they’re signs.”

Side note, there’s an eagle souring right above me right this second as I type sitting outside in nature, not to mention a tiny butterfly. And wow this little beetle has made an appearance for the second time two days in a row. AND a monarch butterfly! Signs? You bet your sweet ass they’re signs.

Attitude of gratitude today….also a check. I don’t know if I mentioned but my mom makes her presence known in many different ways and cute little bugs is one of ’em. I don’t care if you think I’m crazy because honestly if it wasn’t my life I live everyday I’d probably think I was crazy too.

But it is my life and I know I’m not crazy, nobody can even come close to understanding what a spiritual awakening and the journey that follows is like unless they too have experienced it.

I’m just sitting in silence as this tiny beetle is cruising my computer, back and forth, back and forth, then my journal and back to my computer, up and down and back and forth.

And then just as fast as it appeared, poof, she’s gone. Simply magical. And honestly it’s what keeps me going. Thank you.

Hey, today’s my brothers birthday, happy birthday brother.

I love you.

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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