August Astronomical Awesomeness & Lions Gate Portal

In case you didn’t get the memo, August is filled with astronomical awesomeness starting with a Super Moon in Aquarius tomorrow August 1st and ending with a rare Blue Moon on the 31st. It’s a super moon because right now the moon is closest to the Earth embodying a super vamped affect on all of us whether we realize it or not. Not to mention Pluto will be squaring both the north and south nodes along with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and possibilities. The full moon happening in the sign of Aquarius is all about innovation and change.

There’s a massive surge of cosmic energy that will ultimately last the rest of the year and far into 2024 generating significant changes in our DNA and aiding in our transition from the 3rd to 5th Dimension. For those choosing to become the change they want to see anyway. I don’t know about you but that gets me super pumped for the opportunities that will be within our grasp if we acknowledge and accept what’s at our fingertips.

Venus went retrograde about a week ago and Mercury will follow on August 23rd in the sign of Virgo so it’s a good time to pay attention to details (Virgos are very detail-oriented) and a good time to put our health in check. Uranus also goes retrograde on the 23rd or the 24th depending on where you live. With Venus in retrograde be very careful with your money, finances and investments as they have the potential to lose value during this period.

Love is also under review as past relationships have the potential to surface to either renew or end completely, keeping in mind that any new relationships have the potential to have a change of heart once Venus goes direct. If you ask me, steer clear of all of the above until Venus goes direct on September 4th. Uranus also goes retrograde August 29th in the sign of Taurus and will remain there for 125 days bringing with it possible money surprises. I personally wouldn’t be surprised if we see all this on a global collective level. Although if you’re keeping up with all the not so silent bullshit happening these days then it won’t be all that surprising.

Every full moon brings about accelerating winds of change and with the full moon in Aquarius tomorrow, like every full moon, it will be shinning a light on the things we’d like to innovate, things we need to move on from and things we need to let go of whether that be bad habits (I know I have one I’m letting go of), bad attitudes or bad acquaintances, let ’em all go like dust in the wind. We are in Leo season so it’s all about doing stuff that takes courage and action.

Another August astrological awesomeness is the Lions Gate Portal peaking on August 8th which is a portal helping us to transform our manifesting abilities along with increasing our prosperity making it a perfect time to launch new ideas or businesses. It’s also a good time to release outdated bad habits while healing old wounds, making it easier to look forward to a brighter future. Is it just me or does ditching bad habits seem to be a theme here? I swear they’re speaking directly to me lol, for real. I laugh because I know they are, and have been for a minute. I know it’s time for crying out loud lol. Believe me when I tell you that Spirit most definitely has a sense of humor!

August is exceptionally rich with opportunities for spiritual development as well as positive energy (thanks Jupiter) and Lions Gate is said to be a potent astrological portal to higher realms and frequencies, like a door to Heaven that suddenly swings open ushering us into a dimension brimming with opportunities and the power to alter our reality, depending on how open your mind is of course. It’s getting a massive boost from the cosmos assisting us in discovering our spiritual gifts and aligning us with our purposes. It’s an extremely significant and influential time in our astrological calendar. It has the potential to open us up to a whole other world that’s ruled entirely by magic. This figurative gateway is actually a bridge leading us to frequencies defying common perception and connecting us to higher realms. I don’t know about you but that’s a yes please for me!

While Lions Gate may be too abstract for some, and that’s okay, not everyone will ascend because this is an energy that can’t be seen or felt physically yet has the potential to provide us with a quantum leap in terms of spiritual insights, wisdom and inspiration. This cosmic event ushers in an era of limitless opportunities as it’s a catalytic agent. The nature of this energy brings about the spiritual alchemy within us reshaping our perspectives and stimulating our most profound personal development. It’s similar to a celestial guide bringing us into harmony with our life purpose which then leads us in the direction of understanding who we truly are.

These types of portals give those in tune with Spirit the opportunity to discover and develop our spiritual abilities. Every single one of us is sitting on dormant gifts and talents that are simply waiting for the right opportunity to emerge. The Lions Gate Portal has the opportunity to reawaken these abilities. There’s a light inside all of us, it’s never really hiding, it’s just waiting to be lit. Awareness and a desire to search for it is the first step. Expand your mind and open yourself up to endless possibilities. In fact, I was recently told to be willing to let go of everything I once thought to be true. I was also told that if I break the rules, do it with conviction to make a difference. Sweet lol. But you don’t have to convince me of much these days as I’m truly grateful for the deep knowing of things I do have, along with a tenacious intuition that rarely steers me wrong. If and when it does it’s because I let my ego get in the way. My intuition is fueled by my heart and leads the way. And my mind is so open now I could never go back.

We are all part of the same limitless Creator and we are all connected. Some of us are just more awake then others while some are light years (or lifetimes) away from enlightenment, and that’s okay. The ascension process is all about our transformation into the Light Beings we truly are and helping us to discover our life purposes and positions in the Universes vast Light Family brimming with enormous love, passion, bravery and enthusiasm. We come into this world to experience life and all it has to offer. Not to be inhibited and bullied like we as a collective have been and still are.

The Galactic Federation of Free Worlds are sentient beings from all over the cosmos made up of friendly alien civilizations. They’re here to assist us in healing and remembering who we really are so we can live our lives the way we were meant to which is freely, lovingly and positively. Stepping into our own powers to become masters of the physical world with the goal of becoming spiritual masters. We all need to realize our full potential and to do that we need to start with ridding of our bad habits, bad thoughts, ideas and emotions that no longer serve us. No stinkin’ thinkin’.

Our dread of the future is rooted in the past and our dread of the past is founded on a future that hasn’t even occurred yet. There’s no need to be afraid but we have to start by also letting go of any and all judgements. We need to forgive, forgiveness is a huge key to understanding how the Universe works and making your life a better place to live. Along with love, compassion, faith and unity. All things are possible with God and together we can achieve anything as we are all limitless.

Love and Light