2222 Portal

This August 22, 2022 portal opening today (for many of us) reminds us that the change is real and it’s happening right now. Once we’ve completely embraced this transition our world, ourselves and others will be drastically altered. This change isn’t going to happen overnight, only God knows how long exactly it will take but […]


Another reason for my delay is so I can go to Baja, Mexico which I couldn’t be more excited about. I love Adventures! Last weekend we put together a loft house and this weekend we get to travel to Baja, Mexico to deliver it to a family. I couldn’t be more blessed or honored to […]

Magical Fingerprinting

Who knew making a trip to Mailboxes whatever to get your fingerprints done would be so magical. My new job required my fingerprints so I went to get them done a couple weeks ago and this tiny space was filled with all kinds of signs and synchronicities. I love it and for that I say […]

Sylvia Browne

I don’t care what anyone says, I absolutely love Sylvia Browne and everything she says and stands for. Unfortunately her, along with everyone else I truly care about, has already transitioned home to the other side. Most would probably recognize her from The Montel Williams Show where she made a thousand appearances in the 90’s […]

Water Memory

Did you know water has memory? Indeed it does. What was once seen as a simple commodity (not to mention a hydrator and necessity to stay alive lol) is now revealing a scientific revelation which is uncovering (MY FAVORITE) mind-blowing truths. I found this fascinating and it also reminded me how much I miss the […]

12 Universal Laws

There’s definitely more than twelve however these are the main guys. They’re my 12 Commandments. Don’t get me wrong, I agree with the commandments, these are just more my lingo. 1. Law of Oneness… everything is connected. There’s one energy flow and one mind. We are all connected through the creation of our Creator. 2. […]