Five Reasons You Keep Seeing Angel Numbers

1. You must stay connected… it’s important to be able to communicate with the spirit world. Many people communicate with the spirit world through prayer, meditation, learning, studying and intuition. Guardian Angels and Archangels watch over humans and sometimes check in, even though we can’t see them (they vibrate on a much higher frequency) they […]

Earth Angels

Earth Angels are spiritual beings born into physical form and into the physical world at this point in time in order to serve humanity and Mother Earth assisting all souls during The Awakening and Ascension process. They’re here to help anchor the timeline of peace, love and light to the earth and humanity to the […]

Spiritual Meaning of Eagles

I had the incredible honor of having an eagle literally fly right in front of my windshield as I was driving. It was magnificent. The wingspan was ginormous, it blew my mind. Seeing it from a distance does it no justice. Coincidence? Hahaha…hardly. Eagles symbolize spiritual enlightenment, intellect and Divine Knowledge because they’re spiritually balanced. […]