
By definition adrenaline is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of stress, increasing rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing muscles for exertion. Its function is to make your heart beat faster and help your lungs breathe more efficiently. It causes the blood vessels to send more blood […]

Angel Assignment

After what I’m gonna call an angel assignment and watching another beautiful soul transition to a better place, getting hit by a car walking in the crosswalk and spending some time in recovery, I’m back at it. Feels good to be back to my journaling, my spiritual studies and back in nature. I love the […]


By definition dreams are a series of images, ideas, emotions and sensations occurring subconsciously in the mind during REM sleep. While there’s no ending and no beginning each dream contains a message coded with metaphors, images and symbols where you can find hidden meanings which can get you excited and leave you confused all at […]

Random Signs

I keep seeing little fruit flies everywhere, and I’m not talkin’ in the kitchen area of the place I’m currently staying because there’s no fruit or wine around. I’m seeing them in the church bathroom, my bathroom, randomly right in front of my face and even just standing outside. Its certainly enough for me to […]