Beautiful Moments

What a glorious day start to finish. I heard Spirit clear as day say that there was a message for me in church so without hesitation that’s what I did. Turns out the series the church is in right now is “be truthful to be useful.” Well no wonder there’s a message, I’m all about Truth. Needless to say it was a very good sermon and there was definitely a few messages for me to hear. It was something everyone can benefit from so I will share some of the bullet points with my own two scents.

  1. Make a commitment to objective truth. Objective truth is truth that applies to everybody whereas subjective truth is more or less an opinion.
  2. Be truthful with yourself. Who are we kidding, we lie to ourselves all the time whether purposefully with denial or inadvertently with naivety. Sometimes we need to stop and ask ourselves what story we’re telling ourselves.
  3. Be truthful with others. Tell the truth, admit when we don’t know something and admit when we’re wrong. If you say you’re going to do something, follow through and be willing to be emotionally honest. For example, when someone asks you how you’re doing and you say fine when you’re really not, that’s not being emotionally truthful.

It was a very worthwhile service and it left me with mixed feelings when it comes to attendance. There’s no doubt in my mind this is all part of the process of my journey. I’ve been somewhat on the fence with attending church because I feel like I’ve outgrown it in the fact that my belief systems have changed drastically from what they were when I first started attending almost two years ago. On top of that I find it important to be authentically me while being unapologetic about it. However, I don’t always feel like I can be authentically me while I’m at church because let’s be real, I’m an HR nightmare lol. At best I’m PG-13 and depending on who I’m talking to tend to be rated R so it’s hard sometimes at church for me to be the G rated version I’m expected to be.

Don’t get me wrong I’m respectful and know how to be respectful and that’s not the problem, the problem is I sometimes forget where I’m at, or even more, I never know who’s standing behind me or who’s within hearing distance. I’m not even talking about my belief systems because I know going in that they’re different and I just keep my opinions and journey in general to myself. My point is what I learned from all this is that it shouldn’t matter if my belief systems are different, everybody should be entitled to their own beliefs with no judgement from others.

It shouldn’t matter if Jesus died for our sins as the son of God or if he was an Ascended Master (Light Being) who was taken up like Enoch and Elijah. Maybe a year ago I read he went to France with the two Mary’s. At the end of the day nobody really knows so it shouldn’t even matter. What matters is that Jesus was and still is a big deal who came to Earth one way or another to teach and preach love and compassion for a better humanity. I can still go sit in service and not have the same belief systems and still find enjoyment and feel the Holy Spirit. And believe you me I did during worship. One of the songs got me all choked up to where I could barely sing because it was all about having gratitude and I have everything in my life to be grateful for and it brought me to tears.

If only everyone could come to the conclusion that we’re all here for the same thing and just be okay with it being somewhat different. I’ve been saying for a long time, before my awakening that we’re all praying to the same God, we just call it something different with every religion. Religion is so rigid, why can’t we all just agree to disagree sometimes and just get along? Perhaps that’s where we’re headed and eventually everybody will be okay with having their own truths because we’re all having the same perspective of unity consciousness. All I know at this point is that I thoroughly enjoyed service today, I left feeling so rejuvenated and as always, learned something new.

There’s no right or wrong way to do a spiritual journey just like there’s no right or wrong way to pray. Praying is simply talking to God. Or I say Spirit because in my world Spirit is all encompassing; God, Archangels, angels, my guides, my passed on loved ones, my galactic family, all of ’em. Sometimes I pray specifically but generally it’s just easier for me to get ’em all in on the conversation which is exactly what my praying looks like. I call myself the crazy angel lady because I look like I’m talking to myself all the time. My praying isn’t flowery either like some, if anything mine can be pretty colorful because I’m talking to Spirit, telepathically or out loud, like I’m talking to my best friend because that’s exactly what they are.

All the truth talk reminded me of an incident last week at work where this guy said all loud across the store, “just speak your truth Melissa.” Clearly his friend’s name was also Melissa but I was like whoa, it stopped me in my tracks. Definitely Spirit at play. Speaking of work and Spirit at play, yesterday a woman came in and said her brother had just passed and she was looking for something to remember him by as he was a local. When she came to the register to make her purchase, an Australian couple had heard our conversation and offered to pay for her as a kind gesture. I gave her a hug, the couple also hugged her as we all shared this beautiful moment. I couldn’t help but to point out the song that was playing in the background. It’s one of my favorites and I often wake up to it playing in my head.

Then tonight a gentleman came in, Ken, he actually came in last weekend and we had a conversation. It was pretty heavy as his brother had just been murdered. We had a long conversation that ultimately ended with a hug and a smile. He came in tonight and said that he came back for three reasons…one, because he said he would and two because he said nobody has ever hugged him the way I did and he’s 65 years old. He couldn’t even remember what the third reason was until I laughed and he goes, “that’s it! Your laugh.” He said the advice I gave him and the way I spoke to him really helped him out. I’m not sharing this to toot my own horn, I’m sharing this because you never know how an act of kindness or conversation can change a persons day, or better yet, life.

I can’t think of anything more rewarding than to be of service and do God’s work by lifting humanity’s moral. We both got a little choked up and I told him my mom always told me if you’re gonna hug somebody, hug ’em like you mean it. Loving hugs were my moms legacy and I’m doing my best to keep her legacy alive. I feel peoples pain and not just on an empathic level, I know what it’s like to feel the loss of a brother, that’s still fresh for me. Twice I’ve recently had customers come in with the loss of a brother and just knowing I can give them some kind of relief or comfort with something as simple as a hug and listening ear makes everything I’ve gone through worthwhile.

Just after he left I was relishing in the fact that I made such a positive impact on another, my eye’s were then drawn to a set of keys that had been left behind. Gotta love that invisible force that nudged me to look at this keychain because when I read what it said, it blew my fucking mind.

I cried a little, it was such a beautiful moment. This is exactly how Spirit works and it’s the most unbelievable, unexplainable yet attainable phenomenon there is. This is why there’s no such thing as coincidences, it’s simply mind blowing. It’s these moments and experiences that keep me going. It’s working with Spirit and feeling the love and encouragement that’s kept me going and is molding me into the person I’m becoming. Everything is for purpose. It’s so magical and is exactly why I’m able to bounce back from anything and everything. It’s like Spirit just picks me back up, wipes off my tears while I dust off my pants and tells me to keep going.

My connection with Spirit is like nothing I’ve ever experienced and the best part is it’s available to everyone. All you have to do is believe. Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door will open. It’s the most beautiful thing on the planet and part of my mission is to make sure everybody knows about it. We are not separate from Spirit and we are never alone. I’m so in love with my life now and I wouldn’t be here without everything I can’t see. Sure I had to lose my mother and my brother to get where I’m at but it doesn’t have to be that way for everybody. I’m just the way shower and it was a part of all of our blueprints. There’s no doubt in my mind the three of us all had this planned out before we incarnated. Not a single doubt. Thank you Spirit for everything. I keep hearing hang in there just a little longer, it’s worth the wait, it’s going to get even better.

It’s days like today that are a reminder of why I’m here, why I’ve experienced all that I have, positive and negative. I’ve been through it which makes me relatable and gives me the wisdom that I’ve attained. I understand more than most and have an endless supply of compassion. Humanity is hurting and loving kindness is the key. Showing people you actually care is monumental and loving kindness makes all the difference in the world. It’s so easy to make a positive impact on another human being. I heard someone on the radio say last week, maybe if you were nicer to the world, the world would be nicer to you. If I can make a difference one person at a time then that’s what I’ll do till I take my last breath.

Love and Light.