Because I Said I Would

Because I Said I Would


If you tried to tell me, a year ago today
Where I’d be residing, I’d tell you you’re cray cray

I reside in Costa Rica, temporary volunteer
After months of so much pain, losing all that’s dear

Started with my mom, lost a day before it hit
Here one day and gone the next, then COVID showed it’s shit

Failed in school that month, fuck it my mom died
Then my job was furloughed, my pain just amplified

What happened next surprised me, couldn’t tell you on what date
I awakened to the spirits, it’s something I call fate

Next I left somebody, I deeply cared about
Nothings no ones fault, I just needed out

The next six months were crazy, and sad and hard and long
Never thought my life would change, or that I was that strong

I’ll never share the details, hardest shit I did endure
Not knowing what was next, everything was still unsure

I sure can tell you one thing, my mom sure had my back
No way could I have done it, she kept me right on track

She gave me all her strength, when she left to spread her wings
She knows how much I miss her, and the comfort that she brings

I see my life so different, with a different set of eyes
I know this world is changing, and I see right through the lies

There’s a purpose for my life, a reason why I’m here
She ultimately sacrificed, and also took my fear

Have to see the bigger pic, trust she’ll pave the way
Good or bad there is a reason, I breathe here every day

I am a lifelong learner, so I take it all in stride
Life lessons on a daily, like who I can’t confide

My love it sees no color, or sex or creed or race
Don’t you know we’re all connected, the hate we must erase

We need to raise vibrations, if our goal here’s to succeed
More love and understanding, and eliminating greed

Like I said before, never thought it’s where I’d be
I will also sacrifice, for my country to feel free

This is only the beginning, new journey has begun
Fighting for the people, won’t let them overrun

My intentions yes are pure, all for greater good
Not because I have to, but because I said I would.


— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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