Blue Ray Starseed

Turns out I’m not “from” Pleiades after all. It’s most likely where I spent my last lifetime leaving a pretty impressive imprint which is why I resonate with it so much. I love confirmations and reassurances, thanks guys. I still can’t quite explain why I resonate with what feels like almost everything. I’ve mentioned before that I feel like I’m on an everything journey and when Blue Ray starseed information crosses my path I’m like yep that’s me too. I look forward to remembering everything with greater detail but until then I just enjoy the little magical breadcrumbs. Speaking of remembering everything, you should check out Matais De Stefano, holy smokes this guy remembers ALL his lifetimes and I find him to be quite inspiring.

I’m an old soul so there ain’t no tellin’ how many lifetimes I’ve been through. I can tell you Atlantis resonates and it’s funny because I said I wasn’t Lemurian however long ago but chances are I lived through that too. What’s even funnier is so many of us on this planet right now have too. There’s countless starseeds still asleep and I have a sneaky suspicion part of my mission here on planet Earth right now is help those who are still sleeping to wake the bleep up, and not through my blog but in a much more profound way. I’ve finally got a grasp on that too but will keep it to myself until I put it all together, it won’t be too much longer though and it’s pretty liberating to see my puzzle looking more and more complete. I don’t just have the outside edges, I can now see at least half of it complete if not more. For the first time since my awakening though, I feel like I know where I’m headed and it definitely brings some comfort that’s for sure.

Blue Ray starseeds feel as though their true nature is aligned with a realm beyond earth feeling a deeper connection to the universe as if they’re more than just an explorer of the mysteries. Spiritual inquiry and metaphysical concepts are something they find fascinating and whose souls are said to originate from other planetary systems. Truth be told, we all do on some level, old souls have just been around longer but at the end of the day we all come from Source. We all originate as a spark from the Creator and at the end of the day we all return to Source.

I’ve mentioned before but I’ll say it again that planet Earth is a school for the soul and it’s a place we come time and time again to learn the things we need to learn in order to evolve our souls. I heard an interesting concept not too long ago that put some things into perspective for me. I heard, thanks Matais, that we need the dark energy because without it we wouldn’t learn the lessons we need in order to evolve. It’s also goes hand in hand with the Law of Duality so yeah when we think of all the crappy things happening on our planet right now, it’s all necessary. I’ve known that all along but to have someone explain it in such a simple way makes it easier to wrap your head around.

I’m an old soul and have been on this planet only my Higher Self knows how many times but it’s been enough to where I’ve already advanced to the Pleiades and was there in my last lifetime most likely studying healing which is why I resonate with being a healer on so many levels. I also resonate with the second wave of volunteers who chose to be here at this time to assist humanity in raising the human consciousness in order to evolve right along with our Mother Gaia. It’s the end of a 26,000 year cycle and is actually a pretty fucking phenomenal time to be alive. It’s why I and so many others chose to incarnate again right now. There’s a number of reasons but I didn’t do it because I had to, I wanted to and all said and done I did it because I love humanity.

Blue Ray Starseeds are said to have arrived with a clear and significant purpose, with a mission that extends beyond the normal 9 to 5 and mundane. They came with an intent of spiritual advancement and the betterment of both humanity and our planet. It’s a mission that surpasses beyond the 3D earthy limits. These individuals are characterized by intense empathy with the remarkable capacity to alter negative energies, the ability to transmute negative energies into positive ones contributing their transformative influences. They are one of the most compassionate starseeds with an innate ability to transform and soften negative energy and lower vibrations in their surroundings which is one of the most profound spiritual gifts to possess.

Many with newer incarnations may find it difficult to manage negative energies inadvertently absorbing them as there own emotions resulting in anxiety and confusion. The role of a Blue Ray starseed isn’t just to feel deeply but to act as a beacon of tranquility with unique healing capabilities and the ability to change the dynamics of energy by bringing calm to chaos and bringing light to darkness. Fine tuning this gift is crucial as it’s important to be able to distinguish between their own energies and emotions of others, this discernment is key to maintaining an emotional well-being along with balance. This is exactly why Spirit’s got me studying peoples behaviors.

My sensitivity isn’t a burden but rather a powerful tool for transformation allowing me to be an Agent of Change altering the vibrational frequencies of my environments everywhere I go, or at least at the places I hang out the most. I do have to be careful though, I’ve become so accustom to being by myself but when I’m out and about it’s important that I have boundaries to protect my energy to ensure I always have the strength necessary to carry out my mission. On top of my mission and almost more importantly I’m here to spread love and light so self-care is also pertinent.

Blue Ray starseeds may feel a special bond with Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children which I also resonate with. There’s a bond of shared similarities such as heightened sensitivity and intuitive understanding along with deep empathy. Interaction with these younger starseed children may go beyond a mere emotional connection and may be pivotal to a Blue Ray starseeds spiritual evolution highlighting a position as a mentor or guide.

Blue Ray starseeds are in in tune with their divine feminine which fuels creativity, inspiration and a gentle strength in a world often dominated by masculine energy, or at least has for the last 2,000 years or so. Another cycle coming to an end. Solace and power for the feminine is found in embracing communication, leading with the heart, self-expression and nurturing others. When not aligned with ones true nature feelings of hesitation or reluctance in expression may arise which is all part of the journey of self-realization and is one hundred percent how I have felt and still sometimes do. The journey towards self-realization and empowerment over time becomes easier as one becomes more attuned to their inner voice allowing for creativity to flow freely.

For these starseeds hearing words like Lightworker, Celestial Beings and star-born has a deeper resonance that stirs a sense of familiarity going beyond mere interest. They echo a deeper truth about ones identity and purpose with connections to higher realms and realities. These understandings and concepts are a reflection of a deeper knowing and association to the esoteric and mystical aspects of the universe. I find myself drawn to philosophies of alchemy and self-transformation with a deep curiosity for ancient civilizations and star systems like Lemuria, Pleiades, Sirius and Andromeda. There’s more to life than just our physical presence, we are beings of light and energy with souls that span galaxies and lifetimes.

Another sign you might be a Blue Ray starseed is being at peace with ones earthly presence. For example many other starseeds have a longing to “go home” while Blue Rays embody a unique sense of contentment. I know when I look up at the night sky it’s more about a childlike wonder and fascination along with an eagerness to learn more rather than feelings of being homesick. There’s an enrichment of understanding and appreciation of the vast interconnected thread of the cosmos. According to Spiritual Manifestation the Blue Rays peace with being on Earth is a testament to their spiritual evolution and adaptability. They’re able to find harmony and purpose wherever they are, using their experiences to further their growth and aid in the healing and ascension of humanity.

These individuals also tend to be the “fixers’ of the planet and may oftentimes attract people that need fixing in some way deriving from a deep-seated sense of empathy and desire to bring about positive change. Embodying this role allows for the fine tuning of understanding emotional complexities. This path as a fixer comes with it’s own set of challenges but is also a source of growth and transformation with the ability to fully understand others struggles making one a source of comfort and guidance.

Blue Ray starseeds are uniquely multidimensional beings embodying a wealth of ancient wisdom and knowledge who come here with a purposeful mission encompassing a variety of roles and objectives. Many if not all came here to pave the way for new generations and for those still asleep. They play a critical role in elevating the vibrational consciousness of humanity, transmuting dark into light and bringing harmony on a global level. It can be likened to the butterfly effect where even the smallest act of kindness or positivity creates ripples extending far and wide.

Every loving gesture and moments of understanding, large or small, contribute to the healing of the collective elevating the human consciousness. Sometimes the most profound spiritual healing can be experienced when we’re simply embracing the present moments with loving kindness for others. Blue Ray starseeds with their light and wisdom are a reminder of our interconnectedness of all life and the limitless potential for growth and harmony within the universe. Yay.

Love and Light