I learned not too long ago that the word breakfast actually derives from two words meaning breaking fast. There’s quite a few words in the English language that work that way. Dis-ease is another one. I forget where I even heard it but the guy was explaining how we naturally fast when we sleep and it’s the first meal the next day that breaks that fast.
I was like, well when you put it that way, it gives it a whole new perspective. It has now become a game so to speak for me and I can’t help but keep finding myself seeing how long I can go before I break that fast. I mentioned I eat my biggest meal of the day around 2 o’clock and one reason is because I’m fasting from the night before trying to see how long I can go.
Another reason is working on the weekends and with my shifts starting at 3pm I like to eat right before I go. I take with me a big thing of tea (peppermint’s my favorite) and only healthy snacks like fruits and veggies. If I’m hungry when I get home I’ll eat something little, nothing heavy. My eating habits are changing on every level these days and I don’t know why or how exactly.
I don’t know if it has anything to do with my carbon body turning more light based, I don’t even know how all that works but I do know I can’t eat a lot of the dense foods I used to. Perhaps that’s simply because for the most part I’ve stopped eating garbage food all together, if I do it feels like a brick in my stomach.
Either way I do know that my body is changing. The fact that it’s changing for the better is all that should really matter I suppose. Although I think it’s important to not lose sight of the fact that we should be eating to live and not the other way around. I know when I was in my car that became quite obvious and was something I thought about often. I certainly learned to dismiss the mind frame of living to eat.
I’m trying to find balance in my life and my eating habits are no different. With that comes not only eating healthier but eating less as well. I don’t even want to lose anymore weight, I’m right where I want to be. Any more and I’m gonna have to change my whole wardrobe and that’s not something I’m wanting to do.
I stopped skating everyday because not only am I good with where I’m at but it all boils down to balance and if I’m eating right then I don’t have to push myself as hard when it comes to exercise. I only skate three times a week now, yoga another three and weights maybe twice.
It’s no secret movement is the key to longevity and exercising (especially in the morning) somehow, someway, can even reverse aging. Let’s not lose sight however of the fact that (ultra) processed food is extremely bad for you, not only for our bodies in general, but for our skin as well.
I’ve also changed my eating habits because I’ve also recently learned that psoriasis isn’t even a skin disorder, it’s a gut problem. I personally feel as though it’s a combination of things starting with what we eat that can cause the inflammation. There are hereditary links as well from what I understand and I also believe there’s some ties to feeling shameful. Stress too.
At the end of the day psoriasis is a systemic health condition that needs to be seen not only as an autoimmune disorder but also as a gut reactor that flares up showing itself through the skin. I’ll tread lightly here so as not to offend anyone because my psoriasis has come leaps and bounds from when I was a child but I’m still diagnosed with it and have now put my foot down and am tackling it from every angle.
My heart goes out to those who live with chronic psoriasis and I speak only for myself and what I find working for me. With any diagnosed ailment, it all depends on the individual and what works for them but for me I’m finding changing my diet is starting to make all the difference in the world. Applying some topicals and moisturizing right along with never enough vitamin D are also very important pieces to the puzzle.
I was covered from head to toe as a child and am extremely grateful to only see it on my belbows as I call ’em and every now again I’ll see some patches come and go. But overall I have worked very hard throughout my life to keep it at bay and it’s only now as I venture into the land of early seniorhood, haha that sounds so funny and yes it’s my own word, but it’s so true. Hard to believe I will be turning 50 this year.
Bottom line, diet and exercise are two important keys for staying healthy, appearing and feeling young and keeping diagnosed ailments to a minimum. I’ve also learned that when we fast it gives our bodies a chance to heal itself and the way I see it, since the body naturally heals itself when it sleeps anyway, then fasting as long as possible can only do a body good.
I’m only fasting once a week, or when I feel like it. I do drink tea when I’m fasting. For example this morning, who am I kidding, I’m still in bed typing this article. I just finished 8oz of raspberry hibiscus with lemon and maybe half a teaspoon of honey. It’s 1:33 and I don’t have any immediate plans of getting up.
Today may be a little special though as it’s raining and there’s no where else I’d rather be than all cozied up in my flannel sheets listening to the pitter patter of the raindrops. I also just finished watching a marathon of ancient aliens from the History channel and let’s not forget the movie my team had me watching last night which left me shaking my head. Guess I need to go watch Independence Day now.
Mars Attacks by Tim Burton…ack ack. I don’t even know what to do with this movie other than like I said shake my head with a slight eye roll to boot. It speaks some truth though. The cast and crew is your first clue, what an A-list! Any time they poke fun at something, they went so far as to make a movie out of this one, pay attention. They Live is another one but I’m not even gonna go there.
Guess I’ll get up. What am I breaking my fast with today? Scrambled eggs and avocado, another one of my favorites.
Love and Light