Calm Amidst The Chaos

We’ve already established that nothing really phases me anymore and for the most part nothing does but right now with all my fine tuning I’m in the let’s see how she reacts phase. Talk about rapid fire of situations rendering me to be cool, calm and collected. They may seem minor, most of ’em anyway, but they’re tests nonetheless. I’ll give you as quick as I can a run down of a few of ’em from this past week starting with Thursday at Hobby Lobbs picking up some supplies for my arts and crafts side hustle.

I found myself in wonderment when I opened up my wallet to find my debit card was MIA, I’m not gonna lie my heart skipped a little beat as I wondered why it wasn’t there. I was literally just at the bank which I do twice a month doing the same transaction for the same thing so it’s almost an automatic pilot kind of thing. I know for a fact I put my card away, along with my drivers license in the same spots and in the same order. I quickly checked my pockets to no avail. I had seconds for all the information and scenarios to flood my brain but it seemed like forever. Okay, deep breath, plan B then. Not having a clue where my card was I went for cash and I was like wow, coincidentally I had just the right amount of cash. My total was thirty six and change and I had exactly thirty seven dollars. Things that make me go hmmm.

When I went to close my wallet, I don’t even recall unzipping the coinage but regardless it went all over the floor. Okay, another deep breath as I laugh a little inside with a big fat really going through my head? No biggie, I calmly picked up all my change as I apologized to the long line waiting their turn. On my walk to the car I was like okay I’ll just head back to the bank and get a replacement because I had no idea how and why my card was gone but the simple solution for me was to just get another one, problem solved. As I was sitting in the car about to turn the key something told me to check my pockets again and boom there was my ATM card. Wait what? I checked my pockets!

Sometimes I don’t ask questions and just say thank you. I’m gonna vote magic because honestly that’s the only logical explanation which I find hysterical because there’s absolutely nothing logical about magic. I laughed out loud and said thank you in a somewhat lovingly sarcastic tone. I do love me some magic though. I don’t take that term super literal anymore, although I do believe ritual magic works, I don’t practice it but I believe in it. To me magic can also be futuristic advanced technology that we haven’t been introduced to yet. If you were to show a caveman the internet or text messaging, to them that would be magic so I can only imagine the kinds of things that are already around that we just don’t know about. On top of that I have seen things vanish into thin air along with seeing things appear out of no where so nothing seizes to amaze me anymore.

All this magic talk takes me back to living in my car when I thought it would be a cool idea to pull cards from my sigh language box. Mind you I had no idea what tarot was at this point so the art of ‘pulling cards’ wasn’t even in my vocabulary. It’s funny now because unbeknownst to me at the time, that’s exactly what I was doing. Who knew two years later not only would I know exactly what that was but actually be using it as a divination tool for my own growth and development.

Tuesday I was heading to work (on my bike) and when I went to go up the rounded curb on PCH the basket on my bike decided to fall off throwing my lunch all over the sidewalk. I know I zipped up my lunchbox because I always do but for whatever reason this time it was unzipped (kind of like the change in my wallet) spilling my lunch. I took a deep breath and smiled as I was trying to put down the kickstand that just so happened to be somewhat broken too lol. Thankfully a nice young man came to my rescue and picked up my lunch for me. I thanked him and went on my merry way. It’s 11:11.

Let’s not forget the door mirror that fell and broke into a thousand pieces. Then last night I came home to find the refrigerator in the main house broken which means almost all the food in it was now going bye bye. I have a smaller fridge in my ‘cabin’ but I do all my cooking in the main house which is also where I shower. My pad’s off the beaten path but like everything else in my life I’m sure that’s by design too. As I was sitting in my cabin eating my warm watermelon I was reflecting on all the little patience and reaction tests that I’ve been experiencing and thinking about how trivial they all are in comparison to say losing my mom and my brother but how important they are at the same time. These are little things so yes I’ve come a long ways with them too but it just reminded me of how important it is to be the calm amidst the chaos.

The whole fridge thing surprisingly was the one I took the most in stride. What was going through my mind when I was cleaning it out and throwing away the perishable food, besides apologizing because I apologize every time I waste food, it’s not something I like to do and I certainly developed that habit from living in my car. I was thinking that it wasn’t really that big of a deal because Spirit’s got me. I have the money to replace the food, I always have everything I need when I need it. Apparently that’s going to be the way of the New Earth which will take a lot of trust. Looking back at the past four years though that’s exactly how it’s worked and now I know what they mean when they say my life is an example for everyone to see.

In the New Earth everything will be abundant. It’s nice to have a cushy bank account sure but it won’t be necessary. Like everything else money is energy and money is meant to be spent. It ebbs and it flows, it comes and it goes. You can save it if you want to but you certainly shouldn’t hoard it and if anything don’t hesitate to share it. When you’re connected to the Divine, which we all have that connection of course, in fact it’s our birthright because we’re a spark of the Divine. When you know from the depths of your soul you’re being guided and watched over by the most benevolent beings who are assigned to you specifically to make sure you get through your lifetimes as smoothly as possible then you know you’ll be taken care of. Of course there will be bumps and bruises and detours and distractions and setbacks (haha and the list goes on) along the way because that’s exactly how we learn. Some will have a harder time than others because some planned it that way but know our guides never leave our sides. I’m one big goose bump as I type this sentence. It too is magical and I couldn’t imagine my life any other way now.

As I was sitting there thinking about it all wondering what all this preparation is really for, wondering where this was all going to lead, I was glancing at all my tarot decks and there was one that really caught my eye, that I haven’t pulled cards from in a while and felt drawn to do just that. Spirit was telling me to pull just one card from my Eternal Light deck and this is what they wanted me to see…

Happy full moon in Aquarius tomorrow which is a a sign all about humanitarianism and innovation along with community and group dynamics.

I couldn’t help myself, or perhaps it was another nudging because both apply. After publishing this article I went to pull another card from the same deck and this is what they wanted me to see. I took the picture on my phone at 1:11.

Love and Light