Camera 1 Camera 2

These pictures were taken back to back within seconds of each other. It was the other night when we had the full moon. I was actually trying to capture, which I did, the nice little chem trail that was so blatantly obvious it’s just despicable but what isn’t these days and when the curtain is finally lifted and everyone is awakened to what’s really happening it will be a what I say is a little bit of both. People aren’t gonna know whether to shit or shine and like I said, it’ll be a little bit of both.


I don’t even know yet what to make of camera 3 because I just discovered it in my pictures. Believe it or not and I don’t really care if you’re of the latter but my mom also communicates through pictures as a lot of passed on loved ones do. Not gonna try too hard to figure out the meaning because she could simply be saying hey and I take comfort in that 100% so thanks mom I love you too! I can interpret it in more than one way but I’ll keep that to myself and let you come up with your own interpretation. Either way it’s pretty awesome!