Card Time Yay

I went to Barnes & Noble yesterday to look for a book I heard The Nordic Light mention in one of her messages a few weeks ago. When things continue to pop up in my mind I know it’s something that needs to be addressed one way or another. It may have taken a few weeks but it never left the back of my mind so after roller skating I went to see if I could find it. And I did. The lady behind the counter was explaining to me where it was located and it just so happened to be next to the tarot section. I was like oh come on guys (talking to my invisibles), you know I can’t not look at tarot lol.

I’m pretty sure it was meant to be as there was only one copy left. Not only did I purchase my book, Conversations with God by Neale Douglas Walsch, but I also went home with two new oracle decks.

  • The Angel Guide Oracle Deck by Kyle Gray
  • The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck by John Holland

They may as well have jumped off the shelf and into my arms because I looked for the book longer than I looked through the tarot section. I love it when things are meant to be and you just know it. I didn’t waste much time when I got home, I unwrapped those bad boys and started pulling cards. I only planned on one card from each deck but when I pulled from the angel deck, out popped two and when I was pulling from the psychic deck I couldn’t help myself, after one popped out I went back for more.

It’s funny because I couldn’t go to sleep last night, after reading for an hour I tried. My eyes were burning I’m guessing from being tired, I did cover for my coworker these past few days so it’s been a long week but I couldn’t fall asleep. I think the last time I got up to check it was around 2am. Then I was up again at 6am bright eyed and bushy tailed, I was like really? I’m pretty sure they wanted me to write and now I know why. As I’m sitting here typing I’m guessing they’re power washing something next door. Whatever it is, it’s loud and hard to concentrate. I’m off to yoga though so hopefully by the time I return they’ll be gone.


Speaking of yoga, cool story about how that came about and just another way Spirit communicates. Everybody knows what yoga is and I was well aware it was offered at 24 HR Fitness but hadn’t really thought twice about it. This was roughly six months, maybe longer, ago but I never wrote about it. Within about a week span three different people in three different places mentioned yoga randomly in a conversation. One lady came in and bought a blanket for beach yoga while another one just mentioned it in conversation. I started noticing people at the park by my house doing yoga on Saturdays, I kept hearing yoga yoga yoga. The kicker was one day while browsing the clearance aisle there was a yoga mat for five bucks. I was like okay then, yoga it is. I’ve been doing it since twice a week and love it.

Yoga’s great for a number of reasons but I didn’t realize how much I needed it thanks to my bike accident. Thanks to me thinking it would be a great idea to make a moment with a suburban a contact sport. My right shoulder had gotten really stiff and even still I have a hard time doing certain things with my right shoulder. I need to start strengthening my upper body, I do baby my arms. Plus I certainly don’t want to get old lady slot machine arms, I’m too young for that. My legs on the other hand are another story, crack your head like a walnut son. Anyway, back to my cards of inspiration that spoke so clearly to every aspect of me and my journey.

Friendship and Union

This is a time for coming together. Friendship and other connections are important now. There is a strengthening in your bond with others and your capacity to know who “your people” are. If you have felt disconnected or out of place for some time, know that you are moving into a far more supportive and joyful space now. Ask yourself how you can bring the whole of yourself into your friendships. Be present, listen, open up, smile, laugh, venture forth and enjoy this time.

Your vibration and energy will attract friends with whom you can be yourself and who can mirror back to you who you are. If you feel that you are struggling to make friends or you don’t know who your friends are, invite your angels to assist you in making connections with those who can share and receive in a loving, balanced way. Your angel friends are ready to help you form incredible unions.

From what I understand Archangel Michael is already on this one so thanks big guy. I have a lot of acquaintances and a handful of people I call friends. I certainly don’t go around announcing I’m from the angelic realm or anything about my spiritual beliefs so it can feel frustrating not being able to truly be myself. Are you kidding, my church would have a field day if they knew I loved astrology and tarot. Not everybody but most would frown upon my spiritual journey and core values, even though we all have the same common denominators but whatever.


You are making incredible efforts to heal and release habits and thoughts that once held you back. Take a moment to look at yourself through the loving eyes of Father-Mother God and appreciate how far you’ve come, all the adversity you’ve faced, and the person you are today. Angels are wrapping their wings around you and encouraging you to see what they see. And they see you as perfect just the way you are. Give yourself credit where credit is due.

When this card appears know that your self-esteem and confidence have taken some knocks over the years and you have had thoughts that are no longing serving you. But your angels want nothing more than for you to be happy and at peace, and they are drawing close now to help you restore your confidence in yourself. You have the ability to live the life that you love, but to experience that fully you have to recognize fully that you are worthy of it. So take some time today and know that Heaven loves you unconditionally. The outer world you experience is a mirror of the conversations you have on the inside with yourself, so align them with love.

Boy, that last sentence speaks volumes, doesn’t it? I’m happy to say I’m finally at a place where I am at peace, for the most part. I definitely feel as though I have mastered my emotions, or at least have come leaps and bounds from even six months ago. It’s incredible really. My confidence is boosted and I’m finally at a place where I do feel good about myself and certainly do love to love myself. I know what boundaries are now and have no problem speaking my mind when it comes to setting them. When I think about the people who were intentionally put in my path to teach me about boundaries, I can now take a step back and appreciate all those situations that forced me to learn what boundaries are so thank you.

Throat Chakra

This chakra is of course located in the throat area. Communication, sound, creativity, and the ability of clairaudience (inner hearing) are associated with it. Many artists, speakers, writers, singers and individuals involved in creative arts will often have active Throat Chakras. To balance and stimulate this energy center, try humming, chanting, or singing out loud-it’s a great tonic. Most important, if you have something to say, please speak up!

When this area is fully activated, don’t be surprised if you suddenly become creatively inspired.

Hahaha, anybody who’s anybody knows I don’t have a problem speaking up. However throughout the past four years when it comes to speaking my mind I’ve learned how to do it more gently. I’ve become more of an observer these days but have definitely learned time and place. It’s a process but I’m getting there. I do look forward to the day I can speak freely in the community but that too is a process and I’m just not there yet. I may never get that chance in this community but time will tell.

Fulfillment of Wishes

This card – being one, if not the most positive, of the Minor Arcana cards – represents emotional satisfactory, contentment, and enjoyment. Your wishes are coming true! Are you ready? Happiness, success, good health, completion and accomplishment of your dreams and goals are in the palm of your hand. This card acts as a reminder to hold on to the beneficial feelings from accepting and receiving what you’ve asked or strived for. Know that these will assist you in the future when you may need inspiration and positive energy.

This is the right time to heal those past memories that have been holding you hostage. Forgive others and yourself so that your wishes, desires, and goals have a clear, unobstructed path to your heart, soul and life.

Beautiful. And exciting but I’m going to keep some of my wishes and desires to myself at this moment in time. I do have to keep some things in my life private and for now that’s exactly what these are. But I’m ready, yes sir I am ready. Bring it.


This card represents emotions, sensitivity and a reminder that nothing in life is at a standstill – this is a world of constant flux, and one thing is certain: everything changes. This card is calling you to action, the time is now when you may have to face your worst fears and look into the dark shadows of your soul. You must learn to confront what you’ve avoided and walk courageously through it. Always know that life naturally revitalizes itself and as it does, so do you.

This card promises that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Recognize that by no longer denying your past and letting the tears fall, you’ll discover the diamonds in the treasure chest of your soul. This card indicates that this is a time when your psychic sensitivity may be quite intense. Learn to open up to it, or if need be turn it down. Your body is one big psychic antennae, so just remember that you’re in control of how high or low you want the reception to be.

While I’ve done most of my shadow work there is still some that does need my attention but I find it interesting that this card came out when I’m in the final stages of my ego death. A lot of shadow aspects like to hide in the ego. Most of ’em are just hanging out in the ego but you know you’ve arrived when you can actually find the ones hiding and tackle those too. It’s not easy but we all have shadow aspects and we all have the capability of overcoming ’em. It’s just a matter of do you want to. Most probably won’t in this lifetime and that’s okay. That’s not very optimistic lol so I’ll say some instead.

Speaking of ego death I wanted to elaborate a little more on what mine looks like. When I talk about surrendering to the process it’s so much deeper than just letting my journey unfold. Ego death, for me anyway, and totally surrendering to the process means fully letting go of all my doubts of course but also my worries knowing full well I will be taken of. It means letting go of any financial worries I may have and that’s a big one because this is coming from a girl who on and off her whole adult life has lived pretty much paycheck to paycheck. Not always but enough to know I have a deep seeded belief system about it. A belief system that I have to let go of because it no longer serves me.

So for me, the ego death entails completely letting go of all my financial worries knowing with unwavering faith that everything shows up when it’s intended to. My career is on it’s way. This is probably the hardest part for me personally. But I have to let all those old belief systems die away in order to make room for the new ones. The ones of my abundance and prosperity and I can’t do that if I’m worrying about what I fear I may be lacking. Lack, or the thoughts of lack whether consciously or subconsciously, are probably the number one manifestation killer. Manifestation doesn’t require action, it requires a thought process and a positive one at that.

Which brings me to another subject and that’s praying. I don’t know maybe a few months or so ago I had this thought pop into my head and that was this…if I’m praying for something, doesn’t that mean I don’t have it and doesn’t that put me in the lack category? Yes it does and that’s exactly why my praying looks like a conversation. I don’t ask for tangible things when I pray, I just talk to Spirit about my feelings or challenges and what I do ask for is guidance and signs and things of that nature. I’ve also heard to act as if you already have something. Spirituality can be confusing, I can’t even count how many times I’ve heard myself say to my guides how confusing stuff is. But too much information is too much information which unfortunately is exactly what the internet provides.

Spirituality is also very personal to each individual and going within is truly one of the best ways to get the best answers, even though I have struggled with that saying. True story, I forget what I was confused or upset about or even how long ago it was but I remember crystal clear wanting answers on something and I said out loud, if you tell me to go within one more time, I’m gonna tell you to go fuck yourself. Needless to say I was tired of hearing to go within for answers. It’s funny now but I was serious then lol. It’s a roller coaster of trial and error and patiently waiting for answers and then oftentimes having to read between the lines or figure out a metaphor. But I was recently reminded that the most important mentors I need are my invisible ones.

It takes time, more than I’m usually wanting to wait but that’s the nature of the beast and the beauty of the process. There’s no short cuts, there’s no half ass, you have to get your hands dirty and sometimes you can barely come up for air but it’s also worth it because then there’s those times (more often than not now) that I triumph or figure things out or even better get the biggest smile on my face. Another true story and this was yesterday. I was riding my bike and I stopped suddenly because wouldn’t you know it, there was a penny. After I reached down to pick it up the door of a truck right there swung open and this guy poked his head out to ask me what I found. He said, “I have to know what it is that you found that put that big of a smile on your face.” It was pretty awesome.


When the student is ready the teacher will appear. This card illustrates that there’s a spiritual teacher who’s about to influence you or step into your life to impart his or her wisdom. Look around – is there someone in your life who has the acumen, education, knowledge and ability to integrate spirituality and its laws into the constraints of the physical world?

This could be a compassionate person who offers guidance and inspiration, and reminds you that you’re so much more than a physical being. You’re also a spiritual being with unlimited potential. Over time, the student often becomes the teacher so don’t be surprised when others reach out and find you. This card of wisdom is letting you know that you have so much to share – whether you realize it or not.

It’s interesting and awesome that this card says when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Conversations with God said that in the first couple pages so thank you for the confirmation. I’m looking forward to reading it and I’m also looking forward to “my people” as I’m so ready to be around others who intellectually are on the same page as me and who have the same goals and aspirations. Rather than praying for them to arrive I will instead express nothing but the utmost gratitude knowing they’re on their way.

Love and Light