Chaldean-Hebrew Kabala Numerical Alphabet

What the actual bleep, I told you it feels like the more I learn the less I know lol. Apparently I’ve been doing numerology all wrong, not wrong, I’m just learning something new.  My mind is officially blown today. Are there no actual truths out there without having to dig deep to find ’em? Well, in all fairness I didn’t even dig deep on this one but then again I didn’t know I had to. I also mentioned my perspectives are constantly changing and that’s, well, because they have to. Turns out I’m now a Life Path 9! 

It’s funny, I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I’m like a cat, I can have all the toys in the world and the one I get the most pleasure out of is a (somewhat) free foil ball. For real. I’ve spent the money to go to a spiritual conference and now I’ve realized a main reason I probably did that is to show me that I really don’t need all that. However, at the same time, I feel like I went there for healing and I most certainly acquired that so I don’t want to down play it. I’m grateful I went. There is another Kryon conference in Hawaii though that I, shortly after the conference, thought about going to but now that I’ve had some time to wrap my head around everything, I don’t need it. And I’m also not Lemurian, so there’s that. Unless of course the Pleiadians seeded Lemuria, they are corporeal after all.

A couple weeks ago I felt the urge to go to the library, I don’t even really remember why I initially went, I think it was to print out my birth charts again. Doesn’t really matter because that’s not the real reason my guides and Higher Self wanted me to go there. The real reason was to “stumble” across a book in the library’s used book section. Mind you it’s a very small section as is Main Street Library. It was no accident, I was meant to give this book a new home. I’ve gotta tell ya, I’m only a third of the way through it and it’s already changing my life, my new favorite theme these days. This book cost me one dollar. No tax. No joke. It’s Linda Goodman’s Star Signs and it was published in 1987.

According to Linda, there are several numerical alphabets and numerological systems of calculation but there’s only one numerical alphabet, handed down by the ancients Chaldean and Kabala system which is valid. Likewise there is only one system of numerological calculation which is true and reliable – the Chaldean and Kabala system, also used by the Essenes, who taught Jesus of Nazareth during his eighteen “lost years.” Well shoooot, that’s all you had to say and all I need to know to want to recalculate my Life Path number.

Here is the correct Chaldean-Hebrew Kabala numerical alphabet…

A – 1

B – 2

C – 3

D – 4

E – 5

F – 8

G – 3

H – 5

I – 1

J – 1

K – 2

L – 3

M – 4

N – 5

O – 7

P – 8

Q – 1

R – 2

S – 3

T – 4

U – 6

V – 6     U V W…yeah I noticed that too. 666 is also upside down 9’s if you really wanna go Bible deep.

W – 6

X – 5

Y – 1

Z – 7

Life Path 9’s…literally known as “the humanitarians” in numerology being both creative and extremely concerned with serving others. They’re philanthropic and are driven by a desire to give back with an eagerness to help others. Oftentimes 9’s can have a bottomless well of servitude and compassion which can either be a strength or weakness depending on how well they can find balance. They’re generally quite spiritual, wise, creative, compassionate, hard-working, generous and humble.

Life Path 9 walks the path of a Sage. You are an old soul who is strong and stable and spiritual human being and carry an air of experience . 9’s are idealists and see the potential before the actual making them a motivating force for positive change. Number 9’s want to save the world and have a strong sense of justice and responsibility. 9’s have many talents and skills and a broad perspective making them excellent teachers, mentors or guides. It’s important for 9’s to lead by example and embody their wisdom acting as bridges to the new world. Some may play a pivotal role as we’re moving through the current paradigm shift and into the New Earth. I don’t about you but that sounds awesome to me.

The more I think about it the more it makes sense to me that I was meant to follow the Life Path of a 3 for the first half of my life because I feel like I am or was or still am a 3 and as I evolve emotionally, mentally and spiritually I’m now embracing the Life Path of a 9. I wasn’t meant to learn about it until I was ready for it and wouldn’t you know it, just like everything else that shows up when it’s suppose to, here I am stepping into a 9.

Love and Light