Change & Confidence

I’m beginning to rethink my whole truck with the 6’s in the license plate. At first I thought Spirit was telling me to balance my exercise regime when in reality it is becoming quite clear that I’ve been hitting it too hard all together. It’s a wee bit frustrating because at the end of the day all I want to do is skate, it has truly become one of my biggest joys. However…sigh, I’m starting to feel the neuropathy wanting to make an appearance in my feet again.

Between skating every morning for the past month or so and eating clean (work in progress) the weight seems to be falling off. I lost about seven pounds in these past four to five weeks alone and the nerves in the back of my legs aren’t liking that too much. It’s probably a good thing I’m not taking my skates with me on my trip and now I’m even rethinking about buying another pair on the road. If I didn’t know any better I’d say all the 6’s I’ve been seeing as of late are telling me to slow down because I’m out of balance. Fair enough.

The 6’s could also be Spirit reminding me harmony and balance are being restored back into my life because there is quite a bit happening behind the scenes that I’m not even aware of and I believe that with all my heart and soul. To be honest I don’t even know the last time my life was really balanced, its been decades. I also believe them when they say the hardest parts are over and now I have the rest of my life to look forward to which I also believe that the best is yet to come. So I guess I’m gonna go with D. All of the above for my final answer, which is also one of my favorite answers.

In case you weren’t aware I had neuropathy in the tops of my feet for two and half years from dropping too much weight in too short of time. Now I’m losing weight the right way but apparently it’s the same affect so I’m taking all the information I already know into account and moving forward with the only solutions I can come up with. There’s not much I can do but wait it out for the nerves I’ve damaged from spending the first half of my life sitting crossed legged and Indian style which become exposed when I go and lose a bunch of weight too quick.

What’s most frustrating is I don’t even want to lose weight, I just wanna skate. There’s no doubt in my mind I will forever skate till I can’t and mark my words I will build my own skate rink at some point. Or even cooler, I’ll make a path around my house wherever I end up so I can skate every morning. Did you know that exercising first thing in the morning will reverse aging. True story. I don’t know to what extent but I’ll take it.

I’ve seen and heard (from Spirit) more than once that there’s gonna be one more test, what that is I’m not a hundred percent and in fact it may have already happened. Two weeks ago my bike was stolen. What a sad moment (or two) that was. I have nobody to blame, not even myself because it just is. I do hope whoever has it now gets as much joy and usage out of it as I did. But I’ll tell you what, losing that bike has somewhat forced me to step up my outdoor skate game. It started with me having to skate home one day and has blossomed from there. I don’t even wear my pads, I only wore ’em once actually, turns out I don’t like my joints all sweaty Betty so I’ll take my chances. I do have a conversation with my angels before I skate and I literally ask them to put their wings under my wheels so I can skate gracefully.

This morning something came out of my mouth that even surprised me. I was maneuvering all the temporary ‘obstacle courses’ with the air show in town. Parking lots are shut off and stuff is fenced in so I find myself going up and down ramps, over and around this and that and today I said, I was talking to myself I guess when I said all loud, ” I can skate anywhere now.” I have to admit I said it with a smile cause it felt pretty good, my confidence level has also stepped up it’s game which now that I think about it is most likely the whole point.

Whatever it is I was sent here to do, or better yet, whatever it is I volunteered to come here to do is going to require unequivocal confidence. Why I was forced to regain and rebuild it through all my hardships is still to be determined. I have a few guesses but I’m not even trying to figure it all out anymore, I’m just going with the divine flow knowing it will all unfold exactly how it was written in my blueprint.

I’m just happy I can start enjoying life now and words can’t describe how excited I am to get this cross country trip started. We went back to doing Route 66, that’s how we’re starting anyway and then if all goes my way (even though I’m not in charge) we’ll go up and over and back to New York. No itinerary really just spots we really wanna see. Mine are Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree, Mt Shasta, the Redwoods and the list goes on. Super excited. Excited to get out of Huntington Beach for a breath of fresh air and to see mother nature in all her glory. Really looking forward to seeing the night sky again and super excited for change.

Change is hard but inevitable and definitely necessary and I don’t think there’s anyone more accustomed to change than me these days and that’s okay, I welcome it. I’d rather follow my intuition as I learn to cocreate with the universe than have a tower moment. Although sometimes those are inevitable too. It sucked losing my bike but maybe I don’t need it where I’m headed and I can always get another one. Attachment is something I’ve learned to let go of, usually because I didn’t have a choice lol but it’s also taught me to try not to have ’em in the first place. Even people as crazy as that sounds because how can you not be attached to loved ones?

My team likes to remind me I’m never alone, especially this morning with my line up of new songs. They remind me to keep the faith and keep going. Keep building that confidence and continue to better myself so I can be the best human version of me possible. It’s no secret we are in the beginning of change on a collective level too, in fact Kryon calls it the SUC, slow uncomfortable change. In the meantime we’ve got music to lift our morale. Love me some Alan Walker and Andy Grammer.

Love and Light