Changing Your Financial Frequency

I was watching Marie Manuchehri, a psychic, on Next Level Soul the other day. If you haven’t seen this channel on YouTube hosted by Alex Ferrari you have to check it out, especially if you’re interested in learning more about spirituality, science, healing and consciousness. I’ve mentioned this show before and that’s because I’m a big fan of everything he stands for. I will put links to this particular show and his channel in general at the bottom.

It wasn’t until the end when I grabbed my journal to write down everything she had to say about finances, wealth and changing how you relate to money but the whole episode was fantastic. She was talking about how it can be difficult to pull yourself out of a low vibration and/or frequency when it comes to money and attracting wealth when you feel as though it’s just outta reach. I’m gonna add especially when you’ve lived paycheck to paycheck which I’m also gonna vote is many these days. I know I used to fall into that category.

You may not even realize it if and when you’re aligning the vibrations of sadness or even depression because you’re constantly feeling the lack perhaps even on a subconscious level. Money is energy and it carries the vibration you attach to it. In order to attract wealth into your life depends, according to Marie, on how you relate to it. It’s all about how you relate to the vibration of money.

Let’s not forget spirituality 101 and releasing what no longer serves you and when it comes to money that would be old belief systems you’ve been carrying around for however long. I don’t know about you but I grew saying money doesn’t grow on trees and you have to work hard if you wanna make money. Maybe I should rephrase that and say you have to work 9 to 5 to make a living because I’m gonna work hard if I’m passionate about something no matter what.

My blog is a prime example, I’ve worked hard for years without expecting anything from it and soon it will bring me my well deserved wealth. We’ve been programmed from a young age to think low vibrationally and from everybody, and that’s okay, it’s an easy fix. A prime example of releasing what no longer serves you is ditching those ridiculous sayings and adopting new and more positive ones, whatever that may be for you.

She went on to explain how you can literally shift the vibration by how you think about it. It all boils down to joy. You have to figure out what brings you joy which raises your personal vibration. What is it that raises your energy, what puts a smile on your face when you think about it? What is it that sparks joy? I was like can it be that simple and why didn’t hear about this twenty years ago?

For me that would be the freedom of roller skating on the boardwalk listening to my music. It could also be wearing my tutu to the airport and don’t think I haven’t done that because I have. Another sense of freedom is getting on a plane going far far away and there must be something from a past life that has me all about tutus. Babies are another joy sparker for me.

I think my favorite happy place has to be sitting with my mom in her backyard enjoying a glass of wine, relaxing and discussing whatever was on the table. Her garden was amazing, she put a lot of work into it and it showed. I don’t have too many of those moments but all I need is one. Her garden died not long after she left this planet which to me just goes to show how connected we truly are to everything. Her love and devotion kept that garden alive and once she left so did the livelihood of all her plants and flowers.

With all that said Marie then went on to explain that the next time I go to use the ATM, and literally it’s when you’re pulling out your ATM card, that’s when you think about whatever it is that sparks your joy. She also said whenever you go to check the balance(s) in your bank account think about the things that make you happy. By doing this you’re then changing the relationship with the vibration of money.

She also mentioned to think of it more as wealth than money and also added you have to do this for the rest of your life. But why wouldn’t you want to anyway. Our minds are extremely powerful and I don’t think people realize just how important our thoughts really are but I’ve been saying that from the get go.

I’ve also started a 21-day nightly meditation on abundance just to make sure I’m good on a subconscious level. They say you’re actions are governed more by your subconscious than you actual consciousness so just to be safeski I’m listening to my favorite sleep meditation guy Jason Stephenson. I think I’m on day 5, here’s a link to that too. He has a lot of meditations to choose from and I’ve been listening to him off and on when I fall asleep for some time now.

Love and Light