Chosen Ones

In the recent past I posted about chosen ones and how anyone can be one, well I stand corrected because that’s simply not the case. What I meant  was anyone can ascend (to a 5D frame of mind) if they so choose however chosen ones are just that, chosen. Chosen ones are old souls and like I’ve mentioned before they were the ones who volunteered to incarnate during this era of change and transformation. They incarcerated (haha Freudian slip, been there done that), they incarnated knowing they would be born with memory loss of who they truly are until the time is right. Some will awaken abruptly while for others it will be more of a gradual process, however all will awaken and all with a specific job and/or purpose.

It takes practice, time and effort to change ones way of thinking, old belief systems and patterns we’ve become accustomed to but at the same time is can also be quite simple. I catch myself all the time in my thoughts and then consciously switching ’em from a negative to a positive. For example when I see someone behaving in a particular way that doesn’t sit right with me, I catch myself frowning upon them and while reminding myself that’s exactly how I don’t wanna act, I literally say to myself, sometimes out loud and sometimes not, “oh don’t be like that” and then turn it around and find a positive and say a silent prayer or send them blessings for healing, peace of mind or love, whatever the situation calls for. Or another example is when I catch myself in thoughts involving the past and perhaps I did something that I regret, I gently remind myself that it happened for a reason and chances are that was to learn a lesson for my souls growth and I’ll literally tell myself to cancel or delete that thought because it was for my evolution as a person and that’s exactly why I’m here on this planet. It’s important to be able to forgive ourselves (and others) as it’s imperative for our journey to truly love ourselves because it’s not just cliche, it’s an absolute truth that you cannot fully love someone until you learn to love yourself.

Everybody has a light that shines, some just shine brighter while others are barely flickering and are struggling to stay lit. It’s important for me to see that light in everybody and I find it almost a civic duty to not just know that light’s there but perhaps search for it and give it oxygen so it doesn’t go out permanently. That can be a tall order but at this stage in my journey there’s nothing I can’t handle. Sure it can be exhausting leaving me sometimes wondering if I’m still doing it right which is challenging in of itself because I’m relying so much on the unseen and guidance of my guides, God, the universe and my intuition, which I’m still fine tuning.

So this post is for the chosen ones who may be struggling in these times of uncertainty as we continue to patiently wait for our next call to order. A little reassurance goes a long way in my world and I know when I recently heard the following, like shortly after starting this post lol, it did wonders for me. Coincidence that that’s how I’m feeling and could use some confirmation? Not hardly lol. And for this I say thank you DNA Awakening.

Every single person has a predetermined path for the way their lives are going to unfold and certain souls are born with a higher purpose in mind. They’re endowed with a natural destiny that must be realized throughout their time on earth. These particular souls and individuals are referred to as the chosen ones. These divine beings are selected for each generation in order to facilitate the growth and development of that generation. Because the chosen ones have access to a greater supply of energy than most humans, due to their higher vibration, are in a position to facilitate the ascension of human kind as well as the planet. Some of those who were chosen have experienced difficulty at the beginning of their trip. In a world where most people just go with the flow and follow the herd, it’s not an easy task to be a chosen one. Chosen ones can be found in every imaginable form, hue and dimension across the entire world. To complete a soul mission, achieve a spiritual triumph or elevate the vibration of humanity the souls that have lived many lives and have an understanding of the laws of the universe are most likely to volunteer and/or be picked.

The world as a whole has become desensitized making some believe their sensitivity is a flaw or a curse despite the fact that nothing could be further from the truth. Your sensitivity is one of your greatest strengths. Your perspective on life is highly unique in comparison to those around you. Because of this people tend to not understand you and/or anything you think or believe. Chosen ones were selected and are obligated to participate and survive a significant number of conflicts during their lifetimes. They’ll go through a lifetime of anguish and distress that’s absolutely necessary to fortify, empower and otherwise prepare them for the work that lies ahead.

Your starting points were intended to be challenging because when you’ve been through the shadows yourself you can help others navigate their way through dark nights of the soul. Each and every ache, all the suffering, all the tests and life lessons, the unfavorable ordeals, they all serve as a purpose. They’re designed to help you develop your spiritual gifts and guide you toward wisdom so you can contribute to the improvement of the world around you.

To save the world you need to have a sensitive personality. One must possess a high level of sensitivity in order to sense the suffering of others. Unfortunately being a chosen one means you get the impression no one truly gets it or you, no one really understands what you’re going through. Even close friends and members of your family don’t understand you. Your family dynamic is almost always the most difficult challenge you face. You’re beginning was intended to be challenging, you were intended to be surrounded by people who didn’t respect or understand you so you could cultivate your capacity for healing and for your wisdom. When interacting with darker individuals, chosen ones will always find themselves in the midst of spiritual turmoil and it’s why it’s imperative to protect and guard your energy and moreover why it’s important you continue trudging your path. (I personally call upon Archangel Michael pretty much on a daily and ask that he put a protection bubble of white light around me and my beautiful aura so that nothing negative can infiltrate). This path will allow you to lead others through setting positive examples rather than impulsive outbursts that can be a result of persistent narcissistic abuse. You take a completely different turn than everyone else does. While they take the main path that’s well-traveled you enter through the smaller gate, the one that leads to life, love and greater light. It’s important to forge your own path, avoiding the herd direction at all costs.

You may oftentimes feel as though you don’t belong to this world (and chances are some actually don’t lol, i.e. Pleiadians) because in all honesty you’re only passing through. In order to protect yourself from negative thought patterns or being taken advantage of by others you need to connect to yourself, stay grounded and keep your frequency as high as possible. Foster your intuitive abilities and make use of them to guide you away from negative people, circumstances and thoughts. Separate yourself energetically from people and environments that don’t contribute to your development as a whole remembering that in this dark world your light shines bright and many darker powers don’t want it to shine at all.

Be mindful. Love and accept yourself. Provide forgiveness to others and have grounded perspectives. People aren’t flawless and not everyone’s out to get you. When making your projections, use common sense and do everything in your power to conserve your energy. Chosen ones are born awake but the tests and challenges of their lives cause them to experience emotions at a lower frequency until the time is right. They’ll eventually be roused from their slumber by something that will make them feel as though they’re losing their minds. The awakening lifts them out of a lower vibrational state and into a higher one that’s more angelic. A frequency shift is what you’re sensing right now and usually you’ll change perspectives as a result of this encouraging development.

Some might get the urge to all of a sudden quit bad habits or out of the blue call someone they haven’t talked to in a long while. Some may even begin a spiritual practice. Chosen ones don’t actively engage in activities that are intended to hurt others. Because they learn the truth, even if they don’t want to hear it, the vast majority of the time if they hurt others it’s because of the others fragile egos. They don’t derive any pleasure in exercising authority over others nor do they derive any pleasure from the suffering of others.

Remember, as one of the chosen ones it’s our duty to always act with kindness and compassion towards others. We strive to avoid actions that may cause harm or suffering towards others, instead we focus on spreading the truth and helping others to grow and heal. In the end we’re going through all of this together.

Side note, and just to be clear, awake and woke…not the same. Not even a little.

Woke: belief of systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.

Awake: some one who’s unchained from the beliefs and dogmas they were raised with.

Tom MacDonald, he speaks truth through his music.

I think angel number 222 is speaking loud and clear here lol.

And you wanna know what’s really cool about this next picture…when I took a screenshot of it the colors and orbs weren’t present. Spirit’s so awesome.

Love and Light