Christ Consciousness

Ignorance is the element that opposes goodness, it creates the illusion of being outside goodness, of being separated from God. Not knowing who you are is the incentive behind change, growth and expansion. Ignorance breeds fear, fear breeds the need to control. The need to control breeds the struggle for power, and there you have all the conditions for evil to flourish. When you’ve experienced the darkness and the duality there comes a point in ones life when you’re seeking something better. Christ Consciousness is about embracing and transcending duality, when you’ve gone through the multi-layered experiences of duality such as light and dark, good and evil, ignorance and goodness, etc…it’s about expanding God’s creation along with your mind.

Christ Consciousness is a mystical term that refers to a spiritually evolved state of being. It’s a type of spiritual awareness that is supposedly on the same level of spirituality as Jesus, full of love, compassion and spiritual enlightenment. It’s a pure and true awareness of everything that is. It’s a renewed mind, a state of awareness of our true nature and our higher selves. It’s a frame of mind that one would have after reaching ataraxia.

When you’ve experienced or triumphed to the true meaning of ataraxia, a tranquil mind or in simpler terms, a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety, you reach a turning point. When you’ve felt the silence, yet you still find joy simply being with yourself, you’ll know it’s what you’ve been looking for all along. Going inwards time and time again to experience this peace inside and yet still not shying away from worldly (material) enjoyment. You feel as though you’ve found an anchor of divinity within yourself and you experience the world and all its beauty from that state of bliss.

Now let’s be real, I’m not completely there yet however I’m pretty close and I’m certainly on my way. It’s another piece of the puzzle to my never ending, always learning, magical journey. A few years ago I’d never even heard of Christ Consciousness and now I find myself researching it, studying it, feeling it and incorporating it into my new way of living. It’s imperative that I become the change I want to see in the collective.

Bliss never resides in material things to begin with but rather in the way you experience them. When there’s peace and joy in your heart the things and people you meet will give you peace and joy as well. In this day and age a certain group of souls, myself included, are preparing to step off the karmic cycle (thank God lol). However, it’s not just a group of human souls that’s now reaching the end of a transformative personal cycle, the very earth on which we live is undergoing a deep and thorough-going transformation, a planetary cycle is coming to an end as well making this a very special era, the Age of Aquarius.

According to astrologers the Age of Aquarius is the time when humanity takes control of the earth and its own destiny as its rightful heritage, with the destiny of humanity being the revelation of truth and the expansion of consciousness, bringing an increase in harmony to the world. I don’t know about you but that gets me pumped and ready to rock and roll. Speaking of rock and roll, that’s exactly what the song is all about, and just like everything else that evolves the song did too…

Love and Light