With Pluto now in Aquarius where it’ll stay for the next twenty years we can look forward to change on a collective level as well as individual. Pluto in Aquarius is all about power for the people. It’s all about like-minded individuals coming together and it’s also about technological breakthroughs. But like everything else, there’s also a shadow side to Pluto In Aquarius which is allowing technology to control us which if you ask me we’re already seeing with our cell phones. Group think is another concern.
The next three years will be crucial for humanity as we work on shifting from victimhood to freedom and the question we need to be asking ourselves is what does it mean to be human? What kind of emotions should we be focusing on while we tread these deep waters in the coming two decades? I heard someone say recently that love and joy can be some of the greatest acts of defiance. That put a whole new twist on my perspective and not that I like to be defiant or anything lol but I have spent my whole life pretty much going against the grain and marching to the beat of my own drum.
Now you’re saying that not only can I be joyful and loving but by doing so I’m going directly against the powers that wanna be and everything they’re trying to push on us which is fear and anger and separation. I don’t know about you but I won’t let anyone dictate any type of low vibrational energy on me and I refuse to bring myself down on any account of what you’re telling me.
Aquarius and Sagittarius have many parallels such as freedom, idealism and thinking positive about the future and with the new moon in Sagittarius the first half of December ushers in these qualities. Sagittarius is also about hope, truth, travel, law, spontaneity and adventure which is also everything I stand for ironically. It’s ironic until you look at my birth chart and see my stellium in the 9th house which is governed by Sagittarius and ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion.
I’ll never forget the time someone told me planets had nothing to do with anything except being planets and at the time I didn’t know what to believe because I didn’t know any better. Now I know that that couldn’t be further from the truth and I actually laugh at it today because planetary alignments have everything to do with everything. Planets most definitely help explain how the universe works and how we go about life on this schoolground for humanity we call Earth.
Peace, love, joy and compassion are the emotions we need to be focusing on. By shifting to positive emotions we can change the trajectory of everything, even things like war. Beauty and abundance are all over the place and with Pluto now in Aquarius we’ll start understanding more about this placement and the invisible frequencies and energy it will provide which is something I’m looking forward to.
The metaphysical is changing, we can’t see it but it’s happening. It’s now about exploring the interconnectedness of all things and it’s our belief systems that present and arrange our realities so don’t feed what you don’t want. We’ve been programmed our whole lives to be externally focused whether that be by media, by our teachers and especially by the government and if we’re externally focused we’ll be affected by the random events that are always unfolding.
This is something I’m currently mastering, I’m doing my best to not let things bother me. By allowing ourselves to be affected by things like elections, wars and the whole duality of winning and losing in general, we let it drain us which is understandable because it’s exhausting. I personally no longer give my attention to such things, I’ve turned off the news for good, don’t even vote anymore (it’s all predetermined) and am now focusing on not letting other peoples reactions get to me.
When you’re referencing external drama it depletes your energy, scatters your focus and can be overwhelming. When you’re internally focused however you can choose emotions that go beyond the apparent current reality. It takes mindfulness along with practice and most importantly intent. Some days will be easier than others and is why I like to start my days roller skating to music. I know not everybody wants to start their days that way so it’s whatever works for you, whatever makes you happy. Even if it’s for five minutes just think about something that puts a smile on your face.
We are in a holographic universe which means that every single person has a part to play and if we can move our consciousness even a fraction of a hair up individually then it ultimately affects the whole. Because we’re in this holographic universe everything is connected. That fraction of a hair that we achieve individually will help recalibrate the whole which recalibrates the entire holographic universe. Imagine the power that gives us as cocreators of the universe.
It’s actually a very empowering spiritual responsibility. Taking our power back is something else to look forward to in the decades to come and if you’re saying all I have to do from the sidelines or the privacy of my own space is rebel by being joyful, loving and kind to others, well you can count me in. In fact I’m all in.
Last night I attended the Friendsgiving at central library, I saw the email/invitation and was thinking why not, I’m free Wednesday. Let’s be real I was sold on arts-n-crafts. It turned out to be quite pleasant as I hung out with other crafty like-minded (mostly) women and came home with stuff mom would be proud of.
But the best part was as I was sitting there painting a text came through that was a text I receive every now and again about God with Bible verses. Sometimes they resonate and sometimes they don’t but last night it didn’t just resonate, it was Spirit speaking directly to me. It was a knowing and it was wonderful. I’m trying, I’ve been working hard for some time now for the greater good of humanity.
Happy to be of service.
Love and Light