Communicating With Spirit

When I can’t get something out of my mind, or it keeps popping in and out randomly, it’s a tell tale sign for me it’s something I need to share. The following happened over the course of the last few weeks but for whatever reason I never incorporated it. It started with me hearing someone say something along the lines that when you see an animal or insect that stands out or seems to be out of the norm, you should look it up to see if there’s any significance. I couldn’t agree more and actually do it all the time. It’s what I like to refer to now as going back to basics.

I did mention the ant in my skate bag and also mentioned that (to me) it meant it was time to get organized. I didn’t really think too much about it but what I didn’t tell you is that the following week I saw like five ants at the end of the session. Not in my bag this time but all over the table. I remember thinking wow either they need to do something about these ants or I really need to think about getting organized. That was of course before I knew I was about to quit my job and step right into go time.

Maybe a week later I was walking to the main house and as I was about to get to the front door a big brown house spider walked right in front of my feet. I thought it was funny perhaps weird even that it seemed to just be moseyin’ along without a care in the world, no sense of urgency and certainly not bothered by my presence in the least. The old me would’ve most likely stepped on it but not now, as long as it stays in its lane it can mosey wherever it wants. What really caught my attention though was when I was heading back out probably twenty minutes later I recall wondering where he might be now and why I thought that I don’t even know. Right as I was about to reach the gate which was maybe twenty five steps or so, there it was in the middle of the walkway as if to be staring right at me. I was like what the? I found it to be very odd and went straight to look up what it might mean and this is what I found…

I love how Spirit communicates and these messages were definitely heart felt and much needed. Then this past Friday I was walking out of Duke’s restaurant (there’s no plumbing in my place of employment) heading back to the store when I saw a rat right in my path, I could’ve stepped on it I was that close. It didn’t seem frightened by me either and was just sitting there. My first reaction was man, if anyone see’s you right here they’re gonna flip the, there gonna freak out. It was literally right outside the patio dining, I’m surprised nobody noticed me talking to it. I kid you not, I had to almost scoot it with my foot back into the bushes. It was so strange. All the time I’ve spent in HB and on the pier, I’ve never seen a rat. So naturally I looked it up as soon as I could…

The way I see it, it was a sign from Spirit reassuring me my trip around the country was going to be a successful one. Spirit communicates in so many ways and all you have to do is get out of the busyness of everyday life, put down your cell phones and recognize. Everybody has a team of invisibles who want to not only communicate with you but help you in every way possible. It’s like I recently told one of my friends, when you make the decision to better yourself, when you really want to make change, the universe will step in and help you. Make no mistake, all of ’em will conspire to help you achieve everything your little big hearts desire…as long as it’s in alignment with your path.

We all know how much I love Spirit communicating with angel numbers, also known as pay attention numbers. I’ve also mentioned how mine seem to be on overdrive lately which I’m not complaining about by any means. I was blown away (as usual) by the amount of angel numbers I received in my quick trip to Costco this afternoon. The last two were almost simultaneous so you can only imagine the screech of excitement I let out.


One of the main ways Spirit has communicated with me since the start of my journey has been through YouTube. Yes YouTube. I think it’s pretty safe to say that I am in graduate status, when my actual graduation is only time will tell but for the first four years of my journey Spirit has communicated with me through tarot readings. I was always amazed to see tarot readers come and go, I always saw which ones were meant for me at the specific points in my journey and I’m sure I also listened to more than I had to. It was all a part of the process of learning to listen to and fine tune my intuition. Now I don’t really listen to tarot like I used to and some of that is for the simple fact that I do my own readings now, but I’ve also outgrown a lot of it or I simply don’t need to.

But I’ll tell you what, I sat down to do something totally different last night and this particular reading popped up out of nowhere. I will say though that Dee has been with me since the very beginning. In fact she just might be one of the first people I was connected with in the first weeks maybe even days of my journey. She’s amazing and also has one of the sweetest voices I’ve ever heard and it’s this voice that brought me the comfort I needed on many lonely nights whether it was Colorado, my car or my cabin. She may never know the impact she has had on me throughout the years and last night was no different. I cried from beginning to end with this reading because it touched my heart, my soul and my mind. Let’s not forget that I have a stellium in the 9th house of spirituality. I couldn’t help but to find myself once again sobbing like a little lost child that had finally been found and for whatever reason I just felt like sharing this intimate part of my world with you. Thank you Dee for helping Spirit communicate with me.

444 baby.

Love and Light