Connecting To My Inner Child

I know I’ve officially entered the next phase of my journey, thank God, because the Universe in it’s very own special way, and just for me, is putting me in situations to more or less keep me vibrating high. I’ve graduated from boot camp with flying colors and deep down I know it’s important for the next part of my journey to do my best to remain happy, balanced and present, putting the past behind me while moving forward with my growth and development.

My shadow work is now complete, for now anyway because shadow work will continue to be a part of the process here and there for the rest of this lifetime until fully reaching enlightenment, whenever that may be because I’m not keeping track, I just keep going. I know it’s imperative for me to be having fun now, having been through the trenches and learning all those hard life lessons while also clearing my karma and leveling out my playing field and man does it feel good!

With all that said, I spent a better part of my morning doing my new favorite thing which is roller skating. OMG it’s so much fun and I can’t get enough. I hadn’t roller skated since high school, actually the last time I roller skated I shattered my elbow. Not only am I connecting to my inner child I’m also following the Universal Law of Experience which states new information entering your mind replaces previous information of a similar nature. Once a pathway of information has been established (breaking my arm), the viewpoint prevails until new information comes in to replace it (skating again, having fun w/o breaking any bones). It’s kind of like when I went to Vegas again so I could create new memories. Universal laws are immutable, never changing, and are very real. (it’s 1:11 as I’m proof reading and come to this sentence)

I also know exactly what the Universe is up to with me putting my skates back on. I’m building my confidence, which everybody needs to do now and again. If you don’t think you need to build more confidence from time to time then you’re either in denial or are a wee bit of a Fibber McGee. Everybody has self-esteem issues one way or another and on some level, and that’s okay, we are human (right now) after all.

The Universe is also teaching me about patience, I swear there isn’t a day that doesn’t go by that I’m not reminded to be patient in some which way shape or form. When it comes to roller skating, the Universe is gently reminding me that it’s going to take time and practice to get to where I want to be. The Aries in me be like where do I sign up for roller derby lol when in reality I need to start with building my confidence in just being in my skates again. Like everything else it starts with baby steps which I’m also being reminded of when it comes to my spiritual gifts and practices. Nothing develops overnight and I have a sneaky suspicion me roller skating is a perfect metaphor for me to put my mind at ease and for that I say thank you.

Connecting to my inner child not only raises my vibration as we need to sometimes simply be kids again, taking me back to my innocence while reminding me everything gets better, and easier, with time. I know my angels and guides want me to enjoy life again so that’s exactly what I’m doing, having fun. Haha, as I’m typing this the card I posted about yesterday having to do with angel number 311 and God’s timing just fell off my shelf. Thanks for the confirmation!

Is it any surprise that this is one of the first songs that played this morning? Not a chance, not even a little. I’d never heard it before but there is not a single doubt in my mind that this song was meant for me to hear, I get goosebumps all over as I type this, I love it! I’m getting there, everyday I get a couple steps closer and it doesn’t matter how many steps it takes anymore because I’m finally at the point where I can enjoy the ride.

Love and Light