I thought last winter was going to be the dark winter, just a reminder for me that my timing is usually way off and just another reason why I’ve had to learn the art of patience. Between inflation of grocery stores and gas prices to separation and bold face lies, our world is in a lot of hurt right this second and they’re only gonna try and make it worse. I’ve mentioned before that there’s no way another nuclear war can occur, it’s another fear tacting distraction for what’s really to come so don’t fall for it.
I don’t know exactly how it’ll all end but you best believe it’s already begun, and will most definitely get worse. Their end goal of course is a decrease in population with a New World Order diminishing the working class all together. If you don’t even know the bottom lines by this point you’re in for a super rude awakening.
The only way we’re gonna succeed in the end, and we will succeed, is through love which is the opposition to fear. Through love, kindness, compassion and unity and of course forgiveness where forgiveness is necessary we will pull through. It won’t be easy but anything worth having and fighting for never is.
Like anything else really, it will get worse before it gets better. Now’s the time to start truly loving, or at the very least, knowing thy neighbor. Which side are you gonna stand tall on? Now’s the time to believe in something greater than you, the grey area is super small if not non-existant. Find the positivity in life and the people who demonstrate it and above all else try to remain optimistic and have faith for better times.
Things are about to get shaken up with the eclipse season that starts today, it’s like a full moon on steroids promoting change and transformation.
Love and Light