Death and Rebirth

Death and Rebirth

Well what a day. And an evening. We’ll work backwards, kinda like this blog does. Is it coincidence, or synchronicity, rather that it’s just past midnight and the official start of a new day that I decide to finally continue? I mean, at the end of the day, no pun intended, I didn’t pay hundreds of dollars to start a blog just to let it fizzle because I was temporarily sidetracked in the 3D world, which is exactly what I’m up to these days.

I’m currently back in California, my home state living with my dad and looking to move out 1st of July. I have an almost full time job that I’m on the fence about and won’t mention where until I know for sure it’s okay to mention here.

I’m on the fence because while I think I’m going to thoroughly enjoy it, and the stability is necessary to build my foundation so I can continue to travel and do what I  gotta do, it also leaves me little to no time (or just not enough) to do what it is that I also thoroughly enjoy doing, and that’s learning, journaling, writing and things of that spiritual nature.

How was that for a run on sentence lol? But here I am because it’s been a powerful synchronistic evening, to say the least, and has finally brought me back to blog city to do what I’m supposed to be doing.

I started  this blog with the purpose of keeping my friends and family informed on my travel ventures and never ending craziness that always seems to somehow find it’s way into my life. Now I feel as though it’s about to take another form of necessity which I’m hesitant about but must trust in my intuition and know it’s for the greater good.

I also find it imperative to speak the Truth in everything I do and believe and know that some things need to be brought to light whether or not anybody else believes in what I believe. In no way do I expect, or care, if anyone agrees or disagrees with anything I share because it’s simply my life and my experiences and only what I believe to be true.

“My days continue to be filled with amazing synchronicities…”

With that said it has been a crazy, or was a crazy day yesterday and I feel compelled to share. The last thing in my evening of synchronicities was an article from HuffPost about Angels and someone feeling the need to share their experience regardless of what others may think, and it’s exactly the push I needed to be like fuck it me too.

We all know where I stand when it comes to my Angel Brigade and how wonderful mine are. My days continue to be filled with amazing synchronicities, in my journals I refer to ’em as synchrones, because quite frankly it’s a long ass word and thanks to a mild case of dyslexia I often and inadvertently spell it wrong, so that’s how I now will refer to ’em here too.

Always signs from my mom and usually at just the right moment, but not always as some are just because-er’s too. Nonetheless constant reminders that I’m never alone and she’ll forever have my back. Just the other day I was feeling a little lost, if you will, and I had asked for guidance, wisdom and strength as I often do and within the first hour of work I found three dimes and a feather.

Nothing says “I got you” in my Angel world like finding pennies and dimes in the most random places, especially when I’m like, wait a minute, I was JUST there and that wasn’t. Gotta love the warm and fuzzies.

June 14th was supposed to be no mo’ mask day in Cali and I was amazed to see how many people were still wearing ’em. I had to because I’m an employee, which I’m not thrilled about but some rules I just can’t break. I find them to be simply a scare tactic in the first place but come to find out it runs a lot deeper than that. Not to mention a lot sicker than any “plandemic” may have us living.

I watched some disturbing information that I find to be extremely  sad, depressing even and feel as though everyone has a right to know every perspective and certainly a right to all the information that’s out there, regardless. So with that said I invite everyone who chooses to visit and watch for themselves.

Just a warning it’s not for the faint of heart but I find it extremely important, and that’s also because of what I’m actually experiencing myself.

“I find them to be simply a scare tactic in the first place but come to find out it runs a lot deeper than that.”

I had my period twice in 5 weeks in Costa Rica. I literally had it the first week and the last week I was there. Twice in five weeks. In fact, in all my years of being a woman menstruating, I’ve never missed a period or had an irregular period. I take that back, I had a bad miscarriage in my late 20’s so that complicated things for a minute, but other than that, smooth sailing. Well here I am almost two months home and no period.

Today I had an appointment at my local Planned Parenthood because my insurance is only good in Colorado and long story short….I’m NOT pregnant and I don’t give a shit what anybody says, I’m NOT premenopausal either. I’m just not. I know my body better than anybody and I’m just not.

They tried to tell me it could be from stress or change in diet and exercise. It’s all I could do to keep my trap shut and not laugh. I be like, seriously? Clearly we haven’t met, hi I’m Melissa and I just spent the last year and a half with my world turned upside down, sold everything I owned to travel to another country for the first time (BY MYSELF) and write about it. Pfft. Nice try. What else you got? LOL

“Really? Really?? I find that extremely hard to believe.”

Along with my menopausal information flyer though, I was also offered a “free” Covid vaccine with a smile Um, no. I’ll pass thanks. Side note, in all the vaccines offered to anyone and everyone in our society, how many of them are actually free? Sure maybe some are but really, in a society where everything is controlled by the mighty dollar, this “vaccine” that they want EVERYBODY to have within a short period of time, is free? Really? Really?? I find that extremely hard to believe.

That’s a shit ton of money not being made by a society governed by greed. But that’s just me. Wanna know what I think? I find it quite coincidental (and probably one of the few times I’ll use that word, in lieu of synchrones) that the people I’m around the most are fully vaccinated. Just saying.

If you find offense to that or find yourself feeling defensive then I encourage you to check out the website and don’t forget to search shedding. And I think you’ll find interesting what Dutch Minister Thierry Baudet has to say about Corona Virus.

You don’t wanna know what I personally think about the whole pandemic, don’t even get me started. Don’t get me wrong, I find death and rebirth necessary, but what we’re about to witness and experience puts it in a whole new perspective. And it’s not pretty.

Much love to you all. And don’t forget to be kind, everybody has a struggle, and they’re all real. 


— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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