Dengue. Bladder Infection. Same thing, right?

Dengue. Bladder Infection. Same thing, right?

After two long weeks of painful this, that and the other the verdict is finally in and it’s an acute bladder infection. Had we just done some extra testing the first time around I wouldn’t have had to go through it twice.
But whatevs, it is what it is and at least I’m on the road to recovery now. Although I did miss my birthday completely. Had dinner up in my room and fell asleep shortly after, sleeping (almost) through the night.
Grateful it’s not from a mosquito bite, well I still don’t know that for sure (can’t explain the rash) and never will but doesn’t matter anyway. 

“Actually the surfing part is to conquer my fear of the ocean, thanks Jaws.”

I‘ve gotta say, right about now I’m pretty much over volunteering all together and am looking forward to being on my own. Two and a half more weeks and counting. I’ve signed up for a surf/yoga retreat in Santa Teresa.
Also an eco something yoga retreat for a week in the mountains. Yoga’s not really my thing (or I wouldn’t know cause I’ve never done it) but while I’m here I need take time out for me, on a spiritual level. What better way than yoga and meditation, and surfing lol, right?
Actually the surfing part is to conquer my fear of the ocean, thanks Jaws. Looking forward to both retreats because I’ve gotta say so far my trip to Costa Rica feels like a bad vacation (thanks DA). It can only get better from here. One hopes.



Ton of thunder and lightning right now, pouring rain, I love it. Very therapeutic. I guess the rainy season came early this year (lucky me) cause it’s not supposed to start raining until next month. I’ll take it. 

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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