Despite all the joy in my life I did have to go to urgent care last week with a really bothersome toothache. My concern was, besides the fact that it really effing hurt, was infection so after work I headed there to be seen. I had a crown fall off roughly five months ago and without insurance at the time I just figured no biggie I’ll deal with it when it bothers me. Well it’s certainly bothering me now.
Discipline I’m learning is one of the final stages of my spiritual boot camp, but in order to do God’s work you definitely need to be disciplined. That phase clearly isn’t completely over as I still have a bit to learn. Discipline is not my favorite word, perhaps it’s because I grew up in a very strict household which is fine in that aspect. My childhood was overall great, minus the one major hiccup, as I had caring parents but one of them, I won’t name any names, he was really strict lol. I’ve always been a free spirit who doesn’t like to be told what to do and who marches to the beat of her own drum.
In order to do God’s work though you need to be disciplined which is why I struggle with meditation because that takes discipline and concentration. A lot of things I’m learning take discipline, I’m learning I need a little angel who can swat cookies and cake pops out of my hand all day long because I was truly blessed with the biggest sweet tooth. I love my job but my two bosses are outstanding bakers and they sure plumped me up over the holiday season. I need to focus more on my discipline and that is definitely one of the big lessons I need to learn at that house.
With today’s Wolf Moon I’m definitely setting an intention to focus more on my discipline, I have two gym memberships for crying out loud so I have no excuses but rest assured it’s on my agenda. I need to be stronger than those excuses but it’s easier said than done and I can totally admit that.
Back to my dental issue I’ve mentioned before I don’t trust anything with blue and yellow and I can now add Western Dental to that list. I was extremely disappointed with all aspects of Western Dental. I definitely know what side they’re on as they still have a strict mask policy and blue and yellow signage. On top of that I’ve never had to swish with Listerine before a dental exam, I mean is all of that really necessary? No. While I’m grateful I have the gift to see through all the bullshit, people and places, but it’s definitely a blessing and a curse all at the same time. On top of that I was scheduled to have my tooth yanked two weeks from now which is unacceptable because my tooth started hurting last week.
Long story short one of the ladies at my church that I’m extremely grateful for, thank you Lydia, hooked me up with her dentist and today I have an appointment to have a tooth pulled. I went a couple days ago for a cleaning and exam and am extremely grateful for this new dentist, it’s like apples and oranges to Western Dental and I can’t say thank you enough for the insurance that I now have.
One of the hardest parts about my journey is trying to explain to people my newfound belief systems, especially when it comes to things like fluoride. I’m not a fan, fluoride is actually my kryptonite, one of ’em anyway. Another one of the best kept secrets. We’ve been taught since we were born that fluoride helps with cavities but I call bullshit and I believe it’s all just part of the Western Medicine scams and the goal to keep us disconnected from living our best lives. Side note, remember the card game bullshit? Man I had so much fun playing that drinking game in my twenties.
Fluoride is one of the first truths I discovered in the very beginning of my awakening. As usual do your own research, do your own homework, but don’t Google anything because they’re fighting for the team you don’t want to be on. Duck duck go is my go to. I’ve had to cut a lot of foods out of my diet thanks to fluoride such as grapes, shrimp, anything potatoes which really sucks, and the list goes on. You can check it out at
Spoiler alert they’ve been pumping it into our tap and drinking water since the beginning of time. The reason they’ve been doing this is because it calcifies the pineal gland, your third eye, which is necessary for connecting with Spirit and is actually one of the most important parts of our brain to maintain.
The pineal gland also serves our minds and bodies as our official and literal light detector. Our mental and physical stability is directly tied to our inner understanding of day and night, our capacity to comprehend light and dark dictates our circadian rhythm and our production of melatonin which is the hormone most important for quality sleep. Everything we do in life and how healthy we can be are based on the quality and quantity of our food, water and sleep. So yeah, cake pops definitely need to be out, damn it.
Fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland more than anywhere else in the body eventually leading to the formation of phosphate crystals, this hard shell effect encasing our pineal gland is known as calcification in effect the more calcified a pineal gland is the more likely it is to inhibit our circadian rhythm sleep and cognitive awareness. This is how much fluoride they were about to put on my teeth at my last visit till I had to put a big fat no thank you in my chart.
Back to discipline, it’s definitely one of the last things I need to learn in my self mastery journey and it’s probably the toughest which is probably why I saved it for last. Actually there’s no probably about it let’s be real it’s my least favorite word. But it’s also imperative and I know this so with this full moon today I’m officially setting my intention to have more discipline in my life. It’s time.
But you know what I have to give myself credit because credit is due. I quit drinking, I quit smoking and I quit doing drugs, all of it cold turkey, and that takes a lot of discipline and is probably why I’m clinging to my sweets and whatnot. But again to do God’s work you have to have a clear head at all times because you never know when you’re going to be called to serve and how you’re gonna do it. This I know and knowing it is half the battle. My desire to serve God and help humanity has to be stronger than my desire to ignore what I need to do as far as discipline is concerned.
Love and Light