DisclosureFest & 11/11 Portal

Disclosure Festival is a multi-cultural initiative and community based non-profit platform uniting heart-centered and like-minded people. It’s all about mindfulness, our environment and humanitarian issues. I signed up like three months ago not really knowing exactly what it was, just knowing I had to be there. I arrived at the Luxor in Vegas this afternoon only to find myself doing homework. I was a little overwhelmed with all the choices I had to make without knowing exactly what they were all about. No biggie, I did my homework and now I’m good to go for the weekend.

It’s basically a convention, or conference about everything from ancient civilizations to UFO’s to DNA to the cosmos and galactic history and everything in between…which is A LOT. I felt like I was signing up for college classes or something. I will be in five lectures and presentations Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so basically fifteen classes in three days. There’s also mass meditations tomorrow and Saturday with a banquet dinner on Sunday. What did I get myself into lol? I’m excited though.

Another reason I signed up was because I wanted to be somewhere special for the 11/11 portal and when the opportunity presented itself, I didn’t have to think twice, I listened to my intuition and here I am. I’ve stayed in a number of hotels in Vegas and I must say the Luxor is pretty schmancy, it’s really nice. You know they’re a bit above the rest when there’s no microwave or fridge and the ice bucket isn’t plastic lol. The Luxor also has pretty stellar customer service, on the phone and in person so a thousand thank you’s for the hospitality.

Thanks for my 333 angel number representing the Ascended Masters along with body, mind and spirit

I brought a cooler with my own food and water cause I’m smart

A sneak preview of some of the classes I’ll be attending include New Earth with Dolores Canons daughter, soul configuration, DNA and our planetary grid, Nadi Astrology, past life regression, remote viewing and dreams, energy healing and more. There’s also Club Velvet from 9pm-2am every night lol that I’m gonna probably pass on seeing that that’s pretty close to my bedtime but never say never. You can bet I’ll be back with a full report on everything. I think what I’m looking forward to most is meeting likeminded people, actually carrying a conversation with people who understand what it is I’m learning and share the same interests. I thought the same thing when I went to the Kryon conference and we know how that turned out. Fingers crossed.

Probably the second hardest thing about my journey, besides the timing of everything, is not having anyone to talk to about it all. I keep most of my journey to myself, I don’t discuss much of anything with anyone at home and that’s because I can’t. Most just don’t understand or aren’t anywhere near ready to try and understand. It’s cool though, it’s how it has to be right now. It is what it is.

I am on the 11th floor, of course I am lol. With my room number there’s a nice 1111 and change adding up to a 4 which is about protection and the angelic realm. With that said, the master number 11 is associated with intuition, spiritual insight and enlightenment. Seeing it doubled amplifies its power. The sequence acts as a beacon guiding us towards self-realization and spiritual evolution. It’s like a cosmic prompt urging us to recognize our roles as co-creators, as inspirers and light bearers on the path to understanding.

We’re on the cusp of transformation and the 11/11 portal of this 11th month is a powerful numerological event beckoning personal and spiritual evolution. As usual it’s time to release what no longer serves us (I already did) such as outdated patterns and habits and be ready to embrace change. It’s a good time to engage in deep reflection and ponder the past year taking stock in all of our trials and tribulations pinpointing where growth is calling for action. It’s time to set intentions and visualize our desires while aligning our energies with Novembers gateway as it’s opening and inviting us to step through with clarity and purpose into a realm of infinite possibilities.

11/11 is an ascension gateway, a cosmic opening, a moment when the universe offers heightened energies for spiritual growth and insight. It’s an awakening that’s not about instant transformation but rather a gradual, unfolding journey encouraging the soul to expand, embrace change and let go of the old and welcome new beginnings. With the 11/11 gateway it’s time to align with your souls journey.

When 11:11 consistently appears, it’s not mere coincidence, it’s a moment of synchronicity, a cosmic signal affirming that you’re exactly where you’re suppose to be. The master number 11 is a powerful symbol in numerology and like I mentioned represents intuition and spiritual insight, along with the alignment of our actions with our souls purpose. Seeing it repeatedly signifies we’re in sync with the universes vibrations and it’s time for spiritual growth and the realization of our intentions. The portal is asking us to become ambassadors of a new reality embracing mindfulness and grounding ourselves to cultivate balance. It’s asking us to seek understanding and common ground in order to create harmony. It’s time to offer kindness to others and offer compassion to all for a better reality, for a better humanity.

who has two thumbs and goes to Vegas to study? This broad

Love and Light