DisclosureFest Day 1

I feel like I could leave right now and had got my moneys worth. Life changing day 1. I know now why Spirit had me come to this festival, there’s many reasons I’m sure and some of ’em I don’t even know yet. Doubt, and to eliminate any and all that I may have had when it comes to my journey and to my life. Confidence, to build my confidence when it comes to my journey and to my life and words cannot describe the amount of gratitude I have right now for my journey and for my life.

Without going into too much detail with every speaker because one, I need some time to reflect on everything and two, I don’t even know if I can. What an awesome first day though, I can only imagine how it gets better and thankfully I’ll find out tomorrow and Sunday. The morning started with a mass meditation with the First Nation families where we prayed and they spoke beautiful words and sang beautiful songs in their native tongues. It’s the beginning of the New Earth where there’s no more competing and no more comparing, where we walk together. It’s the end of an illusion as we’re here to remember who we are, where gratitude is the new namaste.

I made some friends too…YAY. The only bummer is none of ’em live in or around Huntington Beach. I was blown away how many people traveled from other countries, I took for granted I lived a mere four hours away. I’m talking people from Albania, Canada and Mexico. The first lecture started with Joan of Angels and starseed and soul mission activations. She was super cool and she had some beautiful paintings that some day I’ll purchase just not today. Actually I’m playing a little game with myself to see how much money I don’t spend. I came in with the attitude that I have everything I need because I have everything I need.

Next was Brian Besco and the New Light Light Anchors where he spoke about us being anchors of light, naturally, the name says it all and how we’re all strategically placed right this second. After that it was JK Ultra and The New Earth and the silver thread of Dolores Canon. Apparently she’s big on Tik Tok but I don’t have Tik Tok, or Instagram and I’m barely on Facebook. She spoke about the second wave of volunteers and how the ascension journey comes in waves too and how the world’s on fire and we’re here to hold the frequency. She reiterated the importance of trusting divine timing and to trust the change that is happening. She reminded us that growth is really difficult to see when it’s happening right in front of you everyday. It made sense and reminded me to have patience with myself and with my growth. It may seem like it’s moving like molasses but it’s happening quicker than I realize.

My day ended with every pretty penny it took to get here well spent and let me tell you how awesome my higher self and my guides are because I wasn’t even planning on seeing the last lecture. I was actually planning on turning in early because it’s been a long day and I was feeling a wee bit tired. Well about mid day I was cruising the vendors when I saw a guy wearing a hat that made me laugh and I even commented on how rad it was. It said Team Light. After the last lecture I saw another one and when I got on the elevator to head back to my room to call it a day a lady in the elevator was wearing one too and we got to talking about it. By the time I made it to my floor my mind had been made that I was going to the lecture.

The final lecture of the day was life changing. The information he provided was everything I needed to hear and then some. Not just life changing but mind blowing, not to mention I laughed for an hour and half straight. It was amazing. Rion Derouen talking about way more than just how to actualize your highest timeline and potential, that was like code for let me tell you exactly what’s happening with you and who you are and where you came from and what it’s all about. Life changing.

144…God Squad

I didn’t make it to Club Velvet, actually I completely forgot about it until I sat down to recap my day. I ended the day a better way in my opinion, nothing says my happy place like a bath and frozen yogurt. Thank you DiscloureFest for an amazing day, thank you Luxor for hosting and thank you Spirit for everything, show me how it gets better. Talk about filling my spiritual cup to the brim, it’s actually over flowing and for that too I say thank you.

My feet look like a heart yay

Love and Light and goodnight